BWCA Tinker Time? Boundary Waters Group Forum: Do It Yourself Gear
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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
   Group Forum: Do It Yourself Gear
      Tinker Time?     



02/03/2022 06:37PM  
So, it's that time of year. This board has been quiet for some time; it is going to be a while before the end of Sublimation what's everyone working on?

I have a few DIY projects in mind over here:
Repair my UL Portage Pack that I built last year; also going to add a map pocket.

Two different prototypes for extremely lightweight tables.

Rain pants, probably more than one set.

A modification to my Ultralight Bug Shelter .

And I am seriously contemplating another Portage Pack build, a "v2" if you will, hopefully improving on a few things from v1.

How about everyone else?
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02/12/2022 09:55AM  
I’ve got several things in the works. Last summer I got quite a few days paddling in the wilderness (38) and seemed to get hit by a lot of storms, persistent winds, or prolonged pounding rain. I often carry a small 7x7 foot tarp to set up as a quick shelter while paddling or over my tent for added wind and rain protection, but it got so much use last summer that I’ve decided to upsize and make a new one that’s 8x8 for just a bit more protection. I really like having a “porch” over the door of my tent so I have a place to get out of my wet rain gear and wipe off my dog before crawling inside.

I also got a good sized 5x5 inch rip near the edge of my 10x10 foot tarp. Instead of just patching it I’ve decided to cut that section out and add on another 4-5 feet making my tarp about 10x14 or so. I had multiple times last year where I had to basically stake on edge down or bring my canoe up to use as a wind wall. This bigger version solve this. So in two words - more tarps.

I’m also toying with making a similar but smaller version of my bug shelter, and also need to repair the one I’ve got.
distinguished member(915)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/14/2022 05:42PM  
sns: "Two different prototypes for extremely lightweight tables."

Very much looking forward to seeing your design. Would love a light weight portable table for winter camping.
distinguished member (420)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/08/2022 01:40PM  
Starting a new tarp for my hammock system, the one I have is starting to show its age. A storage / hip bag to attach to my canoe pack. I also need a bag for my Skillet to help corral some of the tar and ash left on it.

I like the idea you are presenting on the pack. I will be watching that closely and may have to produce one for myself.
distinguished member(714)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/10/2023 11:26AM  
I'm making a screen shelter. I determined the footprint and vertical dimensions I wanted then made a set of poles and took measurements for the fabric patterns. I made scale drawings, purchased pattern material, fabric, thread, and connection fittings. I have sewn most of the connection fittings and am ready to make the full size fabric patterns.

01/12/2023 08:34AM  
Tomcat, that looks like an interesting project! Keep us posted.

My winter projects include another pack, but as my V2 Portage Pack was a success...the pack I've just started is a hunting pack.
01/12/2023 06:15PM  
I made a couple of auto-set ice-fishing rod holders... seem to work alright!

01/12/2023 07:23PM  
sns: "Tomcat, that looks like an interesting project! Keep us posted.

My winter projects include another pack, but as my V2 Portage Pack was a success...the pack I've just started is a hunting pack."

01/16/2023 03:19PM  
Just put together a folding buck saw. When taken apart the blade hides in a slot. This was a trial version, I want to create one with some curves and some more decorative woodworking. This works though! :-)
01/16/2023 05:52PM  
Traveler: "Just put together a folding buck saw. When taken apart the blade hides in a slot. This was a trial version, I want to create one with some curves and some more decorative woodworking. This works though! :-)

01/27/2023 01:10PM  
A new version with a little more artistic touch.
distinguished member(714)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/27/2023 02:43PM  
Traveler: "A new version with a little more artistic touch. "

Traveler, very artistic and the logs and leaves in the photo display it well.

I'm curious what it looks like folded ?

01/28/2023 09:36AM  
Thanks, John. The handles have a kerf on the outside that protects the blade as the handles fold outwards and wrap around. I think I want to sew a canvas/leather bag to hold it all.
01/28/2023 09:42AM  
Sorry the pics are so out of focus, not sure what I did. You get the idea anyway.
distinguished member(714)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/28/2023 02:16PM  
Traveler, I think a traditional looking canvas case with a leather/brass buckle closure and maybe a detachable leather shoulder strap would be a good fit for the saw. For storage I would have it assembled and display it on a wall.
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