BWCA "thlipsis29" - Dan Berkland - July 29, 2021 Boundary Waters Group Forum: For Those Who Paddled On
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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
   Group Forum: For Those Who Paddled On
      "thlipsis29" - Dan Berkland - July 29, 2021     



distinguished member(3124)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/04/2022 05:28PM  
We just became aware of the passing last year of long-time member, Dan Berkland. Dan was the pastor of a church in Rochester, MN. He was a family man, avid fisherman, and BWCA enthusiast. RIP Dan. Thoughts and prayers for your family and friends.

Dan Berkland - "thlipsis29" Obituary

Dan is in the middle bottom row.

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02/18/2022 09:37AM  
So sorry to hear this. Nice guy. May the wind always be at your back Dan!
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