BWCA Trip Report - Sawbill Mini-Loop (Daytrip) Boundary Waters Trip Reports
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02/12/2022 05:36PM  
New Trip Report posted by MN_Lindsey

Trip Name: Sawbill Mini-Loop (Daytrip).

Entry Point: 38

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distinguished member (129)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/13/2022 11:14AM  
I believe the track setup is from an old logging rail. Back along that end of the portage there are also lengths of small rail thrown back in the woods.
distinguished member(2066)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/14/2022 03:00PM  
That water can be challenging in a canoe, I could imagine it could get REAL challenging on an inflatable SUP. Do you carry a patch kit and a pump with you on the water?
02/14/2022 06:40PM  
Northwoodsman: "That water can be challenging in a canoe, I could imagine it could get REAL challenging on an inflatable SUP. Do you carry a patch kit and a pump with you on the water?"

You know, I actually didn't! I really thought about it, but the inflatable boards are actually incredibly durable compared to the hard boards, which seems crazy. You're supposed to treat a hardboard a like a high end boat, meanwhile on the Paddle North website they show someone driving over the inflatable one with a bobcat and it holding up fine.

It was definitely a risk though, and luckily I didn't need a patch.
distinguished member(632)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/14/2022 07:03PM  
I've been to Sawbill several times. It is one of my favorite lakes. I did a short 3 day solo there last year and had a great time just camping on the north end of Sawbill and exploring the area. That would make a very nice trip for you I think. And the Coho is a great place for pastries.
distinguished member(2066)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/14/2022 07:17PM  
Where are those tracks (rails) in the photo? I have been through their many times and never noticed them. I know that there was several logging operations in the area. One looks to be on the south end of Sawbill/Alton.
02/15/2022 09:22PM  
Northwoodsman: "Where are those tracks (rails) in the photo? I have been through their many times and never noticed them. I know that there was several logging operations in the area. One looks to be on the south end of Sawbill/Alton."

The tracks are immediately upon entry into Kelso Lake from Alton Lake
distinguished member(915)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/18/2022 08:22AM  
Great little write up. In 2021 I finally decided to take a few 1 night solo's and it was really refreshing. Didn't commit to going all the was up North to the BWCA like you did though. Hope you get a chance to do it again and look forward to the next trip report.
distinguished member(1449)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/20/2022 12:41AM  
I've done that route a few times. If there's any wind at all on Sawbill, Alton will be very rough. The landing at Kelso is a leach haven. Picked up a few each time I've been thru there. All that said, it's a nice trip but I can't imagine doing that and home in a day.
distinguished member(1112)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/20/2022 01:06PM  
ML - That bear sighting was awesome! Just goes to show that anytime you take a trip, no matter how short, or where it is, be it a walk in the forest preserve or a paddle in the BW, you never know what cool things you can experience and how nature can surprise you. You won’t find something that amazing sitting on your couch watching fishing shows. I got inspired by that thought, sometimes I need to remember that. Thanks for that and, Awesome!
distinguished member (243)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/22/2022 06:32PM  
Great report. Thanks for taking us along!
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