BWCA PFD lifespan Boundary Waters Gear Forum
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distinguished member (156)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/27/2022 09:53AM  
How often do people replace their PFDs? I honestly can't even remember how old mine is. It still seems to be in pretty good shape even though much of it's use is in salt water
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distinguished member(2659)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/27/2022 12:28PM  
"How do I know when to replace a life jacket? What is the lifespan of a PFD?
A life jacket doesn’t exactly have an expiration date. As long as the cover is free of tears, the foam inside doesn’t feel brittle or broken up, the straps are in good working condition even after a good tug, and there’s no excess mold that can’t be cleaned off, the life vest can easily last many years. Over time, the sun may cause the color of the outer layer to fade so it may be harder to spot in case of a rescue. If the fading is too much, a replacement would be recommended."

Found it here
distinguished member (191)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/27/2022 01:28PM  
The Stone Canoe and other stories.

John L. Peyton

distinguished member(3449)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/30/2022 08:26AM  
Mine is a good 17-18 years old and looks like new. Actually floated around in it 4-5 years ago and it’s still perfect.
It’s something though,how much of a difference it makes to have it on snugly and securely. It can be tempting just to have it on unzipped or loose, but once in the water the difference is huge.
distinguished member (447)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/30/2022 09:22AM  
I don't have any recommendations. I'm on my second PFD since I bought my first one in the late 1970s (SEDA). I got rid of the first after I was concerned the holes in the fabric wouldn't keep the floatation in (well sun-affected, and easy to tear). My current one I've had for at least 25 years, and it's still in good shape--no holes, floatation seems fine, fabric is still supple and strong, no evidence of foam degradation. If someone has good information to suggest I'm wrong, I'm all ears.
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