BWCA Portage and fish finder Boundary Waters Group Forum: Solo Tripping
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   Group Forum: Solo Tripping
      Portage and fish finder     



senior member (56)senior membersenior member
05/03/2022 06:56AM  
Do you leave your fish finder attached to your canoe when portaging? If so what kind of rig do you use.
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05/03/2022 09:51AM  
I keep it clamped on if it’s a short portage and I plan to continue using it on the next lake. I wish I had a picture to share, but mine is clipped to the thwart bar with a plastic mounting piece so it is secure. The wire and transducer get velcroed to the thwart for the portage. Occasionally the wire will dangle in front of my face, but it’s rarely an issue. Too much loose wire and you run the risk of snagging branches along the portage which would be a nuisance. Hope that helps.

05/07/2022 11:04AM  
No. I only use my finder once I’ve set camp and go out to fish. I do not feel the need to watch it while traveling. If I feel like trolling while traveling, I’ll just do it blind.
distinguished member(2020)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/07/2022 01:08PM  
Yes. It's off at the start of my trip and is attached after I reach the first campsite (normally I do not fish on Day 1 travel, preferring to put some distance from the EP).
My set-up stays on all the time until I exit, although I do take the rod holder off it's base to store the canoe at night.

This photo shows how my detector sits in front of my rod holder on a wooden bracket attached to the thwart. On portages, I simply rotate the detector down, leave the rod holder attached, and then flip the canoe over and head down the trail....been using this setup going on 15 years now....

distinguished member (132)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
06/14/2022 10:18AM  
If I did take my canoe and sonar to BWCAW, I wouldn't leave it attached until fishing from camp. My rig has a pair of Scotty (YakAttack compatible) rails on the gunnels for the sonar and rod holders. Battery and extra cable is in a Granite Gear under-seat bag. The cables are bunjied under the gunnels and seat for easy removal if I take the canoe on top of the car.
06/23/2022 03:21PM  

It gets put on in the parking lot of the EP and doesn't get removed until back in the parking lot.
06/23/2022 03:23PM  

I don't use the blue bag anymore. Just put batteries and extra cordage in one of the small red bags. Pliers, stringer, glasses, etc. go in the other red bag.
06/23/2022 05:00PM  
AmarilloJim: "
I don't use the blue bag anymore. Just put batteries and extra cordage in one of the small red bags. Pliers, stringer, glasses, etc. go in the other red bag."

Nice setup there! Love the dual rod holders, and the fact that the entire thing clamps on. Assuming it's custom?
06/23/2022 05:05PM  
Mine just uses a GoPro clamp to attach - hawkeye fishtrax 1c. I usually don't have it attached the first day while traveling. Once I get setup in camp, and have time to go out and fish, it's on! Then it comes off again for travels days, and so on... If I am traveling through a lake that I have heard good things about, I may take a minute to pop it on and see what's what.
06/23/2022 07:09PM  
AmarilloJim: "
I don't use the blue bag anymore. Just put batteries and extra cordage in one of the small red bags. Pliers, stringer, glasses, etc. go in the other red bag."

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