BWCA 1st Solo Boundary Waters Group Forum: Solo Tripping
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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
   Group Forum: Solo Tripping
      1st Solo     



member (17)member
05/20/2022 02:25PM  
Gearing up for my first solo trip on 6/4. Ep 16 north to LLC and back through Gebe , Oyster and out. I’ll take up to 10 days. Planning on 2 nights per campsite. Doing a little fishing, enough to eat, yet wouldn’t have to to be overly successful to survive. Any thoughts that may help me out. I’ve done 8 previous trips, but always thought a solo would be nice. Very comfortable being alone and although I’ll be 67 by then, in pretty decent shape for my age. First trip in a wenonah prism I’ve had for a couple of years and very much looking forward to paddling it through the paces. Planning to get a kayak paddle to supplement a nice paddle that I’ve made myself. How’s the fishing on Gebe. Maybe 10 years ago I did this loop as part of a group and while we just paddled through Gebe and Green lake (I think) my recollection is that we saw no other people and have always wanted to return and spend a couple of nights there. Any preferred campsites there? Really just checking in and looking for some input.

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05/21/2022 08:59AM  
Hi, Jim-

There's a good recent thread just below with a lot of good general advice from different perspectives about solo tripping you can read. You have enough experience that much will be the same or similar. I keep camp chores simple, plans flexible, and emphasize safety. I don't fish so can't help you with that and haven't done that loop or part of it in 15-20 years so not much specific about campsites. As a solo I don't really need much out of a site except a decent tent pad. I have personal preferences that don't suit everybody, and others will vary depending on conditions - weather, bugs, etc. I would read more recent reviews with a grain of salt and have a few likely candidates in mind. It sounds like a relaxed trip, enjoy it!
05/21/2022 02:25PM  
There is also a very recent thread in the trip planning forum that might help about single vs double portaging. I’ve paddled that route I think twice now and love it. Last time I went through Ga-be Creek a couple years ago it was very low but I’d think it would be a much easier paddle now, but watch out by the falls. On Ga-be I have twice stayed at the second site on the left (just above the peninsula) and very much like it. Open, big pines, and a nice fire pit on a rise up above the water. Can’t help with fishing there, but I’ve done pretty well on Oyster for lakers. There I like the site in that little back bay just before you turn left to the big water, which is also a good place to fish. There’s a bit of a rise, and my fish finder always marked fish there, even in August. Good luck with your planning, and come back with any additional questions.
distinguished member(1999)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/21/2022 05:30PM  
On a solo make every decision deliberate and cautious, especially given the high water levels and strong currents in places that are normally calm. Water levels are on their way down but likely won't be normal yet by 6/4.

Have a wonderful time and enjoy the peacefulness of a solo!
10/04/2022 09:06AM  
I know this is an older thread, but if you happen to check in Jim, I'd love to hear how it went. I have looked at a similar route for my first solo.
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