BWCA Mudro…deciding where to go? Boundary Waters Trip Planning Forum
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      Mudro…deciding where to go?     
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Guest Paddler
08/06/2022 07:27PM  
Heading through the Mudro entry on Monday for a four night trip. Bringing two middle school kids who are BWCA rookies along with a few seasoned BWCA guys. Seeking out thoughts and ideas on whether we should go to Horse or Fourtown or maybe even Boot or Fairy?
Looking for a quality campsite and hopefully some decent fishing for the kids.
Any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated! Someone here just might convince us of which way to go! Thanks all.
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member (10)member
08/07/2022 08:44AM  
I went out of Mudro in 2020 but i can mention how that went.

Fairy has a couple of high rated sites but only a couple so you take the chance of them being occupied when you get there. Its a quaint lake though; if we made it back to that area I'd probably try and stay there. Boot has more sites.

Fourtown is a big lake compared to the others. Plus coming out of Mudro - it's busier. But plenty of sites.

When we went - there were more permits and we still didnt see very many people but we stayed on Gun Lake. We had a lot of success Small Mouth fishing on Gun. We ventured over to Gull looking for walleye, but we really had very little success. When we did catch them, it was on the original #11 rapalas. Small Mouth loved the leaches.

We never made it to Horse.

We figured the further you go out, the fewer people you'll see. But you'll see people cruising through. For this year, I looked at the ratings for every site along my path and wrote it on my map. So I can shoot for one of the better ones. Mice were a bit abundant at our site on Gun, so hopefully I can avoid that in the future. We are heading out of Farm Lake Aug 25th - getting excited.
distinguished member(586)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/07/2022 06:19PM  
We did that entry a few years ago. Stayed on Gun lake and liked it. Fairy is nice too.
08/07/2022 07:08PM  
1. Fairy - Such a cool little lake with a mystical quality about it. Both campsites are good, the eastern one is a sprawling gem of a campsite. Fishing is decent for multi species including panfish

2. Gun - beautiful lake, we noticed the incredible increase in water clarity as soon as we crossed the portage. Some very nice campsites, highly recommend the one with the peninsula sticking out towards the setting sun

3. Gull - if you can get the peninsula site which is a great and unique site. Reports of good walleye fishing there, haven't fished it myself.

$. Boot - not to be overlooked, some decent sites and a sleeper walleye lake.
distinguished member (373)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/08/2022 07:31AM  
You might consider camping on Boot the first night, then paddling up to Beartrap the next day. It has only one site, but it's a marvelous one, and you would have the lake all to yourselves. If it's vacant you might want to stay two nights, then backtrack to Fairy or Boot for your fourth night.

If you get to Beartrap and the one site is occupied, there is a site right on the portage into Beartrap. Or you can simply turn around and camp on Thunder (the portage into Beartrap is tiny).

Whatever route you choose, you can't lose entering Mudro. Good luck!

08/08/2022 08:08AM  
Horse River to the Falls is cool
distinguished member(8120)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
08/08/2022 09:08AM  
Blatz: "Horse River to the Falls is cool"

And, continue 1 mile north to the Crooked Lake pictographs.
distinguished member (315)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/08/2022 12:08PM  
RetiredDave: "You might consider camping on Boot the first night, then paddling up to Beartrap the next day. It has only one site, but it's a marvelous one, and you would have the lake all to yourselves. If it's vacant you might want to stay two nights, then backtrack to Fairy or Boot for your fourth night.

If you get to Beartrap and the one site is occupied, there is a site right on the portage into Beartrap. Or you can simply turn around and camp on Thunder (the portage into Beartrap is tiny).

Whatever route you choose, you can't lose entering Mudro. Good luck!


+1. When using Mudro EP we always went to Thunder or Beartrap. The extra distance is worth the effort.
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