BWCA 7-day Quetico route options starting in Pickerel Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
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      7-day Quetico route options starting in Pickerel     
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08/07/2022 01:45PM  
We are entering the park early afternoon from Stanton Bay (Pickerel) and open to suggestions for exit points. We have 7 nights in the park planned (mid Sept) and would like to do 2 nights at a single campsite twice so either 1-2-1-2-1 or 1-1-2-2-1 nights a single spot.

My dad is recovering from a couple surgeries and we need to minimize portages whereever possible with this trip being somewhat leisurely.

We have never done Kawnipi or been further west than Jesse so interested to see those areas (fully understand we can't do both - it's one or the other). Fishing & scenery are our priorities.

Thanks for reading.
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distinguished member(3124)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/07/2022 07:01PM  
You might be better off posting in the Quetico forum, but here are a few threads to read:

Thread 1

Thread 2

Thread 3

Thread 4
08/07/2022 10:33PM  
Kawnipi is great but not sure that is feasible with fathers surgeries and keeping portages to a minimum? Getting to Kawnipi from Stanton Bay is definitely not in the minimal portaging category.

I’d say getting up into Russell, Chatterton, and Keats, McDougall area would be worthwhile. You can always just go as far as seems feasible with how weather , wind, and your dad is doing on trip. It’s a beautiful area so you really can’t go wrong with any route.


08/09/2022 10:44AM  
When I came back through Mid July Deux Rivière was 3 pull over beaver dams and 1 you could paddle around. They were no big deal though with decent water.

With water coming down some it did make finding the portages a little bit easier. At the beginning of trip Pine Portage bay to Dore was harder to find. By the end of the trip enough beach was showing to make it way more obvious.

Guest Paddler
08/09/2022 09:08PM  
We did a trip through Stanton in July. Three portages (all downhill) get you to Russel lake, fishing chatterton falls was great.We caught big pike, nice smallies, and plenty of walleye for dinner. You can make it in one long day or break it up. Beaver dams were easy going in, and a little more work coming back but you are lighter so all is easier coming back.
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