BWCA RABC timing - very quick Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
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      RABC timing - very quick     
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08/14/2022 07:01PM  
This is just an FYI for anyone wondering how long it takes to get an RABC permit.

I mailed mine in as I refused to send my passport via email. I was emailed the RABC 8-9 days later.

I found it odd, but nice, that it was sent via email when the form specifically says if you mail the application the permit will be mailed to you.

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distinguished member(505)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/15/2022 07:07PM  
Three weeks for me via USPS, came in the mailbox.
distinguished member (198)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/25/2022 04:15PM  
I received mine by email today. One day shy of three weeks since I emailed the application.
distinguished member(2368)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/25/2022 08:33PM  

Really sounds like the turnaround for getting a RABC is similar to what it was like before the permit was shut down. If I remember correctly, the issuing station said to plan up to six weeks, but in reality it was usually three to four weeks.
08/31/2022 04:34PM  
I got my RABC by email today, 22 days after applying by email. I was starting to get nervous because we want to leave sometime this weekend, and I just discovered that you can only get them in person at Fort Frances Monday through Wednesday. Was starting to plan a Beaverhouse entry as a backup plan if the RABC did not arrive.

Agnes here we come . . .
distinguished member(7917)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
08/31/2022 06:38PM  
Ho Ho: "Agnes here we come . . ."

Have a great trip, Bill. Hope you and David have great weather. My buddy was just on Agnes a couple weeks ago and it was non-stop paddling on glass.
08/31/2022 09:01PM  
Thanks! The forecast looks very promising, which is why we are scrambling to get ready all of the sudden LOL
distinguished member(605)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/01/2022 07:55PM  
I applied by email August 14 and got it by email August 29.
I got it just in case my plans got changed for an upcoming trip. Those plans did not change and I don't need it this fall after all, but heck it is good for all of 2023, so I'm set!

09/02/2022 09:38PM  
I applied on July 12 and got mine via email six days later. Enabled me to do an awesome falls chain trip Aug 15-25. The most amazing part of the trip was being at Louisa falls with no one there. That has always been the one place in Quetico that can feel like a national park. Not a soul there but two Jon’s amazing!
09/08/2022 08:40PM  
It took me almost three weeks via email, my uncle about the same - headed up nxt Saturday!
11/25/2022 09:43AM  
I really like the online application option. I sent mine in on 11/15 and receive my RABC electronically on 11/24; slick!

Incredibly pumped to head back to Quetico for the first time since 2019!!
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