BWCA Veggie Chain Boundary Waters Group Forum: Other Canoe Camping Locations
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10/24/2022 07:56PM  
I am interested in exploring some of the veggie chain and I am looking for some advice. Where are some good places to park and enter the area, pretty lakes, camping opportunities, etc.? Thanks.
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10/24/2022 09:44PM  
Might want to elaborate on where the Veggie Chain is.
10/25/2022 07:22AM  
You bet. Just south of Pine Lake in the eastern BWCA and just north of Greenwood Lake. Lakes named things like Celery, Tomato, Potato, Onion, etc.

This area is not in the BWCA but very close. Seems like it might be similar to the Timber-Frear area.
10/27/2022 09:32AM  
I'm not finding much on that area, Traveler.

Looks like you can park and then portage into South Bean Lake and take a portage to Parsnip Lake. That is about all the marked routes on maps that I can find. It appears it will be dispersed camping at all the lakes. I would call the Gunflint RD and ask them.

Follow this link and scroll up to Greenwood Lake and your Veggie Chains
10/27/2022 10:33AM  
10/27/2022 03:21PM  
Thank you, Linden.
01/31/2023 07:47PM  
In 2015 we were camped on the furthest east campsite on Crocodile Lake and took a long daytrip down the river as it narrows to see what was there. We went over a couple beaver dams and made it as far as a wall of grass that seemed to be the end... but I know it was not. We could have slogged through it and continued but there happened to be a bit of a portage trail right there which we eventually determined led up to Parsnip Lake. We took the portage and hung around for awhile, had lunch and took some photos. We ended up regretting our decision to not bring the canoes up the portage with us because it looked like some interesting paddling.

Paddling down the crocodile River

Beaver dam pullover

View down the narrows of Parsnip Lake from where the portage ends on the NW corner of the lake - wish we had brought those canoes.

Pretty cool daytrip
02/01/2023 12:40PM  
I love those quiet reedy rivers where it seems like around each bend you might find a moose standing in your way. Fun adventures!
03/01/2023 11:43AM  
it would be interesting to have a canoe start at the original entry off the greenwood rd and another start at crocodile and eventually meet up.
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