BWCA Unsinkable ship Boundary Waters Gear Forum
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05/17/2023 11:51AM  

Picked up this Wenonah Seneca from Boundary Waters Outfitters at the end of last year’s permit season. After spending a week refinishing the hull, I was being as patient as I could to get the family out on the water. Since this will be a first time BWCA trip for my wife and boys, I was a little anxious to see how we would paddle together and how stable the boat would be.

Even with a little chop and two little boys moving around, it was as stable as they come. The kiddos even managed to pull in a mixed bag of pike and bass while we trolled along. I suggested they name the canoe since it’s a new to us boat. Since they just learned about it in school, they suggested the Titanic because it was an unsinkable ship.
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distinguished member (174)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/17/2023 02:12PM  
Love it.

Bringing my daughter this year for the first time. (7)

Last year I broke in my 10 year old (11 this year). He caught a 36" pike that we still talk about all the time.

Getting these kids comfortable with the woods is invaluable, in my opinion.

05/17/2023 02:18PM  
Nice. I'm buying an SR17 from my outfitter in July. I know rental boats can take a beating. But once they are in more loving hands and with a little hull refurbishment, I'm thinking they will pretty much last forever.
distinguished member(1445)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/17/2023 06:45PM  
Nice canoe! Cool pics! Glad you got it out for a maiden voyage and wishing you a great trip!
05/17/2023 09:10PM  
distinguished member(1999)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/18/2023 08:11AM  
portagerunner: "
Kiddos even managed to pull in a mixed bag of pike and bass while we trolled along. I suggested they name the canoe since it’s a new to us boat. Since they just learned about it in school, they suggested the Titanic because it was an unsinkable ship."

LOL, did they get to the end of that story in school? LOL
05/18/2023 11:26AM  
straighthairedcurly: "
portagerunner: "
Kiddos even managed to pull in a mixed bag of pike and bass while we trolled along. I suggested they name the canoe since it’s a new to us boat. Since they just learned about it in school, they suggested the Titanic because it was an unsinkable ship."

LOL, did they get to the end of that story in school? LOL"

Sometimes those fine details get missed lol.
05/18/2023 09:19PM  
Sweet story. Hope you all enjoy years of safe memories!
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