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05/27/2023 11:15AM  
This thing is fantastic! Even just as a hand washing station, even if not used as a full blow shower.

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distinguished member(714)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/27/2023 12:06PM  
I like the pocket shower. It inspired me to add a shower head to my gravity water system.

05/27/2023 05:59PM  
Our Sea to Summit was great but the lamination wore out and eventually failed. Have been using a cheap solar shower from Amazon for the past few years and my wife finds it to be an indispensable piece of gear. Showering in the woods is pretty great for sure.
05/27/2023 08:45PM  
Tomcat: "I like the pocket shower. It inspired me to add a shower head to my gravity water system.


Great Idea!
distinguished member(714)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/28/2023 06:42AM  
This is my favorite portable shower.
distinguished member(602)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/30/2023 01:12PM  
I am thinking I need some sort of shower mat with this. If I shower in the woods I end up with pine needles and dirt on my feet.
distinguished member (210)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/30/2023 02:06PM  
I made a shower bag with a black 30L Sealine BajaBag.
Took apart an old camelbak. Took the valve-socket off the bladder...cut a little hole at the bottom on the Baja Bag...Cemented the valve socket in there, added a reinforcing patch inside and outside.
Then took the male connector of the water tube on the camelbak....added about 6 feet of silicone hose and a sink shower sprayer.
This works three or four ways.
1. Fill it, hang it in the sun all day, warm shower at end of day.
2. Fill it so that you don't have to go back and forth to the water every time you need to refill the Platypus filter. Same connections as the Platypus. So I just use the 30L bag with my hose connector right into the platypus filter.
3. Use it for a ballast bag when canoeing solo. Fill it and throw it up in the bow.
4. As a spare bag, I have used this for ice and a six pack for the first night.
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