BWCA Straight vs bent shaft for stern position Boundary Waters Gear Forum
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      Straight vs bent shaft for stern position     
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member (24)member
05/30/2023 01:51PM  
Greetings, just looking for some opinions on using a straight vs bent shaft in the stern position. I’m thinking the primary reason for a straight shaft is greater stroke control, but doing so may sacrifice some power you get from a bent shaft. I am an experienced Boundary Waters traveler with many trips under my belt. This discussion came up on a recent trip and I am just curious what others are doing. Thanks for your comments!
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05/30/2023 02:17PM  
The only situation where loss of control options with a bent-shaft would matter is moving water with obstacles requiring quick maneuvers. Pries, draws, braces high and especially low. Straight shafts are also less likely to break when abused. Using it as a pole for instance.

The benefits of the mechanics of a properly used bent are well excepted. As I age I especially feel the difference in my shoulders. I always carry a spare paddle, so I make it a straight and use it in shallow situations where I am pushing off or using it as a pole.
distinguished member(7944)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
05/30/2023 02:39PM  
Bent shaft for me 100% of the time. Same for the bow paddler, too, btw.
distinguished member(934)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/30/2023 02:47PM  
Yep, bent all the way here. Flat water or drifting the river.
05/30/2023 04:33PM  
I like to use the straight bladed paddle when I paddle stern because it gives me more control but most of the time I paddle solo anyways so then I use a bent shaft.

Either way I take both a straight blade and a bench shaft with me on all my trips. And both of them are carbon fiber it makes a world a difference. When I switch with my partners sometimes grabbing that wood paddle feels like a 2x4.

distinguished member(5388)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
05/30/2023 07:21PM  
I’m in the camp of taking two paddles. One is a carbon fiber bent for long distances and speed. The other is a wood straight for when lots of steering power is needed in quartering winds, very twisty creeks, and rocky portage landings where I might want to push off. Plus sometimes it is nice to switch from the high rate with the small blade of the bent to the larger blade and a slower rate with the straight. Differences are nice. Why choose just one?
distinguished member(741)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/30/2023 10:05PM  
Long and straight while solo or stern.
distinguished member(579)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/31/2023 07:55AM  
I use a straight shaft. I also kneel and paddle tandems with rocker and paddle rivers more often than lakes. If I was a sitting paddler in a zero rocker boat and always on lakes I'd probably stick with a bent shaft like I do in my Advantage.
distinguished member(3015)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/31/2023 08:30AM  
Bent shaft for me.
I break the rules of paddle length and use a longer bent shaft paddle than the 'experts' tell me to use.
I paddle solo almost all the time. I like to get the blade back behind me to rudder.
05/31/2023 09:01AM  
It's funny how things have changed. Back in the early 90s I used a carbon bent Shaft Barton paddle in the BW. Oh the negative comments I received. "What do you need that for, you're not racing or that thing won't last a week in the BW" Unless you're doing moving water, the bent shaft is a great choice for the BW because of it's straight ahead efficiency.However, you would be surprised how much it can be used for extreme turns in the right hands.
05/31/2023 10:29AM  
a slightly bent in the stern
distinguished member(1380)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/31/2023 10:45AM  
I used the same classic Sawyer straight shaft paddle for 40 years. I bought it when I was 16. I had a sentimental attachment to it (and still do.) Two years ago I purchased a Bending Branches Black Pearl carbon bent shaft paddle. I still take my straight shaft paddle as a spare. When tandem canoeing with my wife, I paddle in the back. I have found no significant loss of efficiency and turning or maneuvering using the bent shaft. We don't canoe fast rivers or whitewater so that isn't an issue.

It might take me a little bit more energy to execute a draw stroke with the bent shaft paddle. Once in a while if I want to make a very strong draw stroke, I will turn my bent shaft paddle around and push the water toward the stern in that manner. I find that I can push a little bit more water for a quicker turn. (I quick look around before I do this to make sure nobody sees me using my bent shaft paddle backwards. <<< tongue-in-cheek comment.)

05/31/2023 11:41AM  
member (24)member
05/31/2023 12:21PM  
Fun article! And right on topic. Thanks for sharing the link!
05/31/2023 01:09PM  
I think it depends on your paddling style. I like to kneel and heel the canoe over a bit when I can which means I wouldn't get much (if any) advantage from a bent shaft so I mostly use a straight paddle. I've used bent shafts as well and have no complaints other than usage in moving water as others have mentioned.
distinguished member(1056)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/31/2023 02:32PM  
sedges: "The only situation where loss of control options with a bent-shaft would matter is moving water with obstacles requiring quick maneuvers. Pries, draws, braces high and especially low. Straight shafts are also less likely to break when abused. Using it as a pole for instance.

The benefits of the mechanics of a properly used bent are well excepted. As I age I especially feel the difference in my shoulders. I always carry a spare paddle, so I make it a straight and use it in shallow situations where I am pushing off or using it as a pole."

distinguished member(545)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/31/2023 02:54PM  
One guide summer for me with the standard outfitter aluminum and plastic straight shaft paddle and the wrist tendonitis was unbearable. Part of it was how I was doing my j's, part was the horrible paddle. Moved to a very light wood bent shaft and haven't looked back.
distinguished member(1525)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/31/2023 05:09PM  
Bent shaft all the way for us. Works perfect for the pitch stroke and decent for a true J stroke and adds a bit of speed over a straight. Once you've used one for awhile, all necessary strokes are fairly easy. I would not use one for a fast river or whitewater trip. I resisted for a lot of years, but would never go back now.
05/31/2023 08:13PM  
I didn’t know they still made straight shaft paddles :)

senior member (85)senior membersenior member
06/03/2023 12:38AM  
The bent shaft paddle is a game changer in the stern from a steering perspective. I can pull the back end of the canoe left or right very easily by reversing the paddle and doing a 45 degree angle approach from the front/side back toward me. This pulls the canoe toward my paddle while still pushing me forward. In strong cross winds this stroke lets me keep the canoe straight with very little ruddering, which has improved my efficiency quite a bit. In tight creeks at slow speeds it allows me to turn the canoe on a dime. By far the most improved piece of gear that I have used over the past 30 years.
06/03/2023 08:55AM  
Depends on the canoe. In a canoe with rocker I always use a straight shaft. I always prefer a canoe with a small amount of rocker
distinguished member(1079)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
06/05/2023 04:41PM  
I love my Bending Branches double-bent Viper, bow or stern. It just feels so good and seems to work so well giving me all of the power an maneuverability I want.
06/06/2023 04:49AM  
I am learning there are other paddles besides a ZRE Bent shaft, how interesting.

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