BWCA Wood Lake to Tofte Lake?? Boundary Waters Trip Planning Forum
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      Wood Lake to Tofte Lake??     
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07/17/2023 02:31PM  
Hi all,

I'm exploring route ideas for next year and looking at EP 30 - Lake One. My thought is that I could make a big loop up through Insula, Thomas, Ima and eventually into Basswood.

My thought (and question) is that from Basswood I could paddle into Wood lake via Good and Hula. Here's where my questions begin:

1. Is it possible to get from Wood Lake back to EP 30 on the Kawishiwi River?

Specifically, can you paddle and portage from Wood Lake to Ojibway Lake? There seems to be a creek between Wood Lake and Tofte. Is this creek passable in mid-late June or is there a portage option? Once in Tofte is there a portage between Tofte Lake and Ojibway?

2. If this is possible, this route would have me exiting and re-entering the BWCA for a short time. Am I allowed to enter the BWCA on my EP 30 permit and then leave the BWCA at Wood Lake temporarily and then re-enter the BWCA on the Kawishiwi River to get back to my car at EP 30?

Thanks for the info. Any other info or advice about this loop idea would be much appreciated!
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07/17/2023 03:08PM  
You could always just grab a day permit for reentry to get to your car.
07/17/2023 07:04PM  
I don't believe the creek between Wood and Tofte is navigable.

I've heard that the Outward Bound groups used to cross the Fernberg Trail in the following way:

Basswood to Wind Lake to Moose Lake to Tofte Lake to Ojibway , Triangle, and then Kawishiwi River.
The tricky part now would be that Moose to Tofte requires navigating Jasper Creek and then finding the overgrown and not maintained 190+/- rod portage from Jasper Creek to Tofte. Then exit Tofte and portage to Ojibway. The roads to those two public accesses are opposite eachother at the Fernberg Rd. You'd be exiting the BWCA when leaving Moose and reentering when leaving triangle, so could pick up a self registered day permit at the Ojibway landing.

It'd be an adventure!

Alternatively, paddle out at Wood Lake and either have someone shuttle your car to that access or hitch hike from Wood to Lake One when you get out.
07/17/2023 09:27PM  
noahj: "Hi all,

I'm exploring route ideas for next year and looking at EP 30 - Lake One. My thought is that I could make a big loop up through Insula, Thomas, Ima and eventually into Basswood.

My thought (and question) is that from Basswood I could paddle into Wood lake via Good and Hula. Here's where my questions begin:

1. Is it possible to get from Wood Lake back to EP 30 on the Kawishiwi River?

Specifically, can you paddle and portage from Wood Lake to Ojibway Lake? There seems to be a creek between Wood Lake and Tofte. Is this creek passable in mid-late June or is there a portage option? Once in Tofte is there a portage between Tofte Lake and Ojibway?

2. If this is possible, this route would have me exiting and re-entering the BWCA for a short time. Am I allowed to enter the BWCA on my EP 30 permit and then leave the BWCA at Wood Lake temporarily and then re-enter the BWCA on the Kawishiwi River to get back to my car at EP 30?

Thanks for the info. Any other info or advice about this loop idea would be much appreciated! "
distinguished member(1480)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/17/2023 10:07PM  
Agreed with the previous comments: Wood to Tofte is not a navigable stream and I also suggest a shuttle from Wood to Lake One could be a great way to solve the dilemma.

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