BWCA Trip Report - July 2023 with Grandson East Bearskin Entry - YouTube Slideshow Boundary Waters Trip Reports
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08/03/2023 11:26AM  
New Trip Report posted by ghamer

Trip Name: July 2023 with Grandson East Bearskin Entry - YouTube Slideshow.

Entry Point: 64

Click Here to View Trip Report
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distinguished member (333)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/03/2023 08:42PM  
Enjoyed the show.
Wonder if those ranger's mothers know they ran away from home and joined the forest service?
08/04/2023 01:48PM  
Beautiful pictures. I'm sure Noah will remember it as a highlight of hanging out with his grandfather. He looks like a nice kid.

I thought " Wow rangers are getting a lot younger" too. I can't say anything though, people were always looking for the older person to talk to when I started working, even though they were the tech.
distinguished member (373)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/05/2023 05:15PM  
Thank you for sharing your experience! You are a good grandpa, and years from now I'll bet Noah will take his grandson or granddaughter on the same journey!

Beautiful photos!

08/13/2023 06:57PM  
You may remember, Gary, that I never watch canoe trip slide shows--except for yours! Wonderful photography, and such a good way to document a trip with your grandson. Thoroughly enjoyed all of it! Noah is blessed to be able to do that with you.
08/14/2023 09:13AM  
Spartan2: "You may remember, Gary, that I never watch canoe trip slide shows--except for yours! Wonderful photography, and such a good way to document a trip with your grandson. Thoroughly enjoyed all of it! Noah is blessed to be able to do that with you."

I do remember, and thank you for that!
Although I suspect the real reason you watch is because of Jerry's music ;-)
distinguished member(714)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/15/2023 08:04AM  
Gary, I enjoy and look forward to your sideshows. Thank you for taking the time to produce and share such quality and tasteful trip reports. In doing so you allow many others to join you on your adventures. I mentioned before that one of your slideshows inspired me to return to the BWCA and I am confident that they have had a positive effect on many unknown others.

08/15/2023 06:44PM  
Tomcat: "Gary, I enjoy and look forward to your sideshows. Thank you for taking the time to produce and share such quality and tasteful trip reports. In doing so you allow many others to join you on your adventures. I mentioned before that one of your slideshows inspired me to return to the BWCA and I am confident that they have had a positive effect on many unknown others.

John "

Thanks John, I really appreciate you taking a look and the thoughtful words!
08/19/2023 11:23PM  
This was fantastically produced. I nearly fell asleep several times only to be brought back for some text I'm needing to read. Well done and I pray my one year old grandson and I get to do this someday.
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