BWCA Trip Report - Long way to Wednesday Bay Boundary Waters Trip Reports
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      Trip Report - Long way to Wednesday Bay     



08/31/2023 11:49AM  
New Trip Report posted by Bushman

Trip Name: Long way to Wednesday Bay.

Entry Point: 22

Click Here to View Trip Report
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distinguished member (265)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/31/2023 12:17PM  
Enjoyed reading your report immensely! Thanks for sharing! Some beautiful pictures, too!
08/31/2023 05:12PM  
I also enjoyed your report and your pictures. Thanks for sharing.
senior member (56)senior membersenior member
08/31/2023 10:51PM  
Excellent trip report. Thanks for sharing.
09/02/2023 07:15AM  
MidwestMan: "Enjoyed reading your report immensely! Thanks for sharing! Some beautiful pictures, too!"

Thank you very much. I feel like they are always too long but there is so much to be said on a seven day trip. LOL
09/02/2023 07:15AM  
Spartan2: "I also enjoyed your report and your pictures. Thanks for sharing."

Thank you Spartan2! Good win last night.
09/02/2023 07:17AM  
CatchMe: "Excellent trip report. Thanks for sharing.

Thanks CatchMe!
11/12/2023 09:19PM  
Nice report! Rain fly is part of your tent and should always go on. Tent tied down as well. But it does go on faster sometimes before a storm.
12/05/2023 01:55AM  
Reading reports is always fun in December, and I enjoyed yours. Every report I read gives me a new place I want to explore some day. Thanks for taking the time to share.
02/09/2024 08:27AM  
Reading a report in February is nice too :) It looked like a very productive (and quiet!) trip. Thanks for the writeup---enjoyed the photos.
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