BWCA Day Trips / Sights from Boulder Bay area of LLC Boundary Waters Trip Planning Forum
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      Day Trips / Sights from Boulder Bay area of LLC     
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member (15)member
01/30/2024 04:47PM  
Hey! I'm excited for tomorrow and praying I can get the permit I need for my selected week. I'm taking a mixed group of HS guys and gals. Looking at going in EP 16 and into LLC where we'll set up base camp in that SE part of LLC (Boulder Bay/Tiger Bay area on the Voyageur maps).

Any recommendations for day treks? Any sights we absolutely need to see? We'll have a few guys who fish, but that won't be the main focus. No permits for Quetico, so US sights only.
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distinguished member (143)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/04/2024 09:37AM  
You are in a prime sightseeing area. The obvious one is Warrior Hill and the pictos nearby. To the west are some sandy beaches and to the east cross Iron and do the Bottle Portage to Curtain Falls. You can visit Rebecca Falls with a RABC day permit. Great paddling all around. You can’t go wrong with any of the island campsites there in Tiger Bay, but you will probably see a lot of traffic.
02/05/2024 06:40AM  
soundguy0918: "You are in a prime sightseeing area. The obvious one is Warrior Hill and the pictos nearby. To the west are some sandy beaches and to the east cross Iron and do the Bottle Portage to Curtain Falls. You can visit Rebecca Falls with a RABC day permit. Great paddling all around. You can’t go wrong with any of the island campsites there in Tiger Bay, but you will probably see a lot of traffic."

+1 Curtain Falls on the east end of Iron Lake. Single portage day trip from Boulder Bay to the top of Curtain Falls is about 3 hours one way.

You’d need both an RABC permit and a Quetico permit to venture into Quetico from the US side.

You can buy an Ontario Parks summer vehicle day use permit online (one per canoe) that can be used for day tipping into Quetico but you still need the RABC permit (each person needs their own).
distinguished member (213)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/05/2024 08:31AM  
The area around the ranger cabin is neat (SE LLC off the portage from Boulder River). I recommend paddling the Boulder river, very scenic and I have seen a lot of wildlife in that area. I would also daytrip or hit Oyster lake on your way in/out. Good luck getting your permit.
02/15/2024 11:36AM  
Meander through never Fail Bay and then cut across LLC to the pictos. Beautiful.
We stayed at the island site just north of BB and west of Tiger Bay.
Fishing was fantastic and there is so much to see in that area.
As long as the wind doesn't get too bad you're in for a treat.
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