BWCA When do permits go on sale for the Q? Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
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      When do permits go on sale for the Q?     
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distinguished member (434)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/31/2024 02:04PM  
I thought it was already time, I know the BW was today.
It wont let me book anything for Quetico. It doesnt say permits are not available, it says "Quetico isnt a campground. Choose another option."
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distinguished member(2996)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/31/2024 02:31PM  
You can get a permit. Make sure you are booking a back country permit. Needless to say, the Ontario parks reservation system for Quetico is beyond dumb. I reserved one for Nym lake a week ago.

distinguished member (434)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/31/2024 02:34PM  
Ok, Yes, I remember now. Their site is terrible for Quetico. Yes you have to select back country. Then You have to select Quetico from the drop down menu and then also click the button for Quetico. It isnt easy to find and I remember it being annoying in the past. Clicking the button was my missing piece.
distinguished member(8700)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
01/31/2024 06:09PM  
Do they still do phone reservations?
01/31/2024 07:10PM  
Quetico permits become available five months prior to entry date, so on February 1 you could pull a permit for a July 1 entry date.

distinguished member(2996)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/01/2024 07:13AM  
Funny side story—

Last June I’m at the Atikokan Ranger station to pick up my permit. The ranger lady was busy on the phone talking to a customer so I mulled about the room waiting for her to finish. It took more than ten minutes.

She was talking to a person trying to reserve a permit on the computer. The ranger was trying to help the caller navigate the permit system. It was almost comical in a sad way. Both the ranger and caller had a very hard time getting the permit reserved.

distinguished member(7917)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
02/01/2024 08:54AM  
TrailZen: "Quetico permits become available five months prior to entry date, so on February 1 you could pull a permit for a July 1 entry date."

BINGO! What TrailZen said.
distinguished member(7917)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
02/01/2024 08:56AM  
As for booking a Quetico permit online, I happen to think it's about as easy to do as falling off a log. With that said, I've done my Q permit so many times that it's basically second nature for me now.

Yes, one has to remember to click a couple things, and Ontario Parks could make it a bit easier, but I really like how they show the available dates and make it easy to select.

I did a Quetico presentation at Canoecopia the last two years and part of my presentation was the step-by-step process of making a Q reservation online. I believe it was well received and the folks found it educational. :)
04/18/2024 10:56AM  
Can I piggyback on this permit thread with a vaguely related permit question? :)

This year I maybe driving through Fort Frances on my way to Beaverhouse Lake. Is there any place other than Atikokan (a full hours' diversion to and from the Flanders turnoff) or the ranger station on Beaverhouse lake (not a huge diversion, but once I'm on the water I just want to get to the portage)?

The Dawson station is really handy when you're coming from the Thunder Bay direction. Is there a similar option coming from the West? Thanks!
distinguished member(7917)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
04/18/2024 11:58AM  
Luckee: "Is there any place other than Atikokan (a full hours' diversion to and from the Flanders turnoff) or the ranger station on Beaverhouse lake (not a huge diversion, but once I'm on the water I just want to get to the portage)?

The Dawson station is really handy when you're coming from the Thunder Bay direction. Is there a similar option coming from the West? Thanks!"

In a word, no.

You might consider doing what we do. We plan our trip to arrive in Atikokan mid-afternoon the day before our permit day. We stop at the ranger station to get our permit, then check into the White Otter Inn and stay overnight. Then we head to the Beaverhouse parking lot in the morning around 5:30. We're usually paddling by 7:00am at the latest.

If you're staying at an outfitter the night before (for example, Seine River Lodge is west of Atikokan), or at least outfitting through them in some way, they might be able to get your permit for you. Would be worth a phone call.

Seine River Lodge is also home to Quetico Brewing. :)
04/18/2024 12:35PM  
Mmm, maybe that Seine river lodge (with brewing!) is a place to seek out *after* a number of days out paddling . . . :)

I've stayed at White Otter before and found it a great option, but since I'm already burning one day in MN, I'll really just want to get to the water ASAP.

Visiting the ranger station on Beaverhouse is something I've never done (last year it was actually closed during my window) but it looks like that's the way to go.
04/18/2024 03:03PM  
Seine River can pick up your permit for you. I’m having them pick up our permit this year. Saves us going into Atikokan and driving back. We are staying with them night prior. Eating and yes they are going to have the Brewpub open and serving food this year. Also doing breakfast and they are shuttling us in to Beaverhouse. We’ll come out with them picking us up at Nym.

My son used them last year and he and I are using them this year. They have been awesome to work with and well organized!

Will be pretty sweet getting to try a local beer and buying a shirt from them! My son is also legal this year in Ontario so we can have a beer together!

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