BWCA Early Spring Early Bears? Boundary Waters Listening Point - General Discussion
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      Early Spring Early Bears?     
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02/24/2024 05:04PM  
With this remarkably warm winter and light snow pack across MN and WI, I’m wondering if anyone has been seeing signs of bears coming out of their dens early? If they do come out early, what will they find to eat? Probably not much winterkill this year.
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02/24/2024 07:20PM  
Jaywalker: "With this remarkably warm winter and light snow pack across MN and WI, I’m wondering if anyone has been seeing signs of bears coming out of their dens early? If they do come out early, what will they find to eat? Probably not much winterkill this year. "

I have a bunch of Game cameras in the Brainerd area in abundant bear country. Nothing yet at all. But a week from now, talking really warm temps. I expect to see something then.
distinguished member(2144)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/24/2024 08:27PM  
There was anews report a week or so ago that interviewed bear researchers who said the bears have been a bit more active than normal for this time of year. Don't remember the channel.
02/25/2024 07:48PM  
I've not seen any tracks or had any encounters this spring (one visited my winter camp last fall). The warm spring has me a bit concerned that my food stash may be impacted by bears (& spoilage...). I'm thinking I'll be keeping something more than my 20ga with me next winter.
02/25/2024 09:49PM  
JohnGalt: "I've not seen any tracks or had any encounters this spring (one visited my winter camp last fall). The warm spring has me a bit concerned that my food stash may be impacted by bears (& spoilage...). I'm thinking I'll be keeping something more than my 20ga with me next winter."

Electric fence! If it works for Polar bears why not blackies! We use em on bee hives…
02/26/2024 10:41AM  
nctry: "
JohnGalt: "I've not seen any tracks or had any encounters this spring (one visited my winter camp last fall). The warm spring has me a bit concerned that my food stash may be impacted by bears (& spoilage...). I'm thinking I'll be keeping something more than my 20ga with me next winter."

Electric fence! If it works for Polar bears why not blackies! We use em on bee hives… "

Yes, my uncle used a solar electric fence for his bees. He had a trail cam set up, too, and saw bears be turned away by it.
senior member (94)senior membersenior member
02/26/2024 10:53AM  
My in-laws saw bear tracks by their cabin, north of Chippewa Falls WI, this weekend.
distinguished member(1109)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/26/2024 01:32PM  
nojobro: "
nctry: "
JohnGalt: "I've not seen any tracks or had any encounters this spring (one visited my winter camp last fall). The warm spring has me a bit concerned that my food stash may be impacted by bears (& spoilage...). I'm thinking I'll be keeping something more than my 20ga with me next winter."

Electric fence! If it works for Polar bears why not blackies! We use em on bee hives… "

Yes, my uncle used a solar electric fence for his bees. He had a trail cam set up, too, and saw bears be turned away by it."

Hmm. If only there were some resource we could turn to in our hour of need. :-)

Bear fence specs
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