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member (19)member
03/11/2024 05:00PM  
Pretty sweet looking new boat. A Northwind 17 with a shoulder! Can't wait to read the final specs when they get published. Both Ted and Bear said it was the same as a NW17 (3 inches longer) but Ted also compared it to a stretched polaris at first. Anyone else check it out over the weekend?
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03/12/2024 09:41AM  
I wonder what the differences are between the existing Polaris and NW16, other than the Polaris being about an inch narrower and a little lower, and if these differences will be similar.

I also wonder if a 17'9" tandem that's just 31" at the waterline could challenge the MNII in efficiency.
03/12/2024 10:50AM  
A stretched Polaris could be compelling...and I agree, might be a MN II competitor.

Edit: Anyone have photos?

Nothing on their website nor FB page.
03/12/2024 11:59AM  
sns: "A stretched Polaris could be compelling...and I agree, might be a MN II competitor.

Edit: Anyone have photos?

Nothing on their website nor FB page."

This is the best I can find, from Canoecopia's Facebook page:

"Did you know that Northstar Canoes is showing two new boats at Canoecopia this year? The Opal is a baby brother to the Pearl; same idea, just 15' instead of 16' long. She'll be a great solo or tandem. The other is the Boreas, similar to a Polaris, but 17'9" and narrow of beam. Stop by their booth and check them out!"

There are some pictures where may be it in the background but hard to tell. The one on the right looks like it could be 17': Facebook Post

Of course the Landick II/Safari on the left is pretty dang cool as well. And I am really liking the brown boats, that looks great with either the bronzed aluminum or wood trim.
member (19)member
03/12/2024 12:53PM  
plmn: "
sns: "A stretched Polaris could be compelling...and I agree, might be a MN II competitor.

Edit: Anyone have photos?

Nothing on their website nor FB page."

This is the best I can find, from Canoecopia's Facebook page:

"Did you know that Northstar Canoes is showing two new boats at Canoecopia this year? The Opal is a baby brother to the Pearl; same idea, just 15' instead of 16' long. She'll be a great solo or tandem. The other is the Boreas, similar to a Polaris, but 17'9" and narrow of beam. Stop by their booth and check them out!"

There are some pictures where may be it in the background but hard to tell. The one on the right looks like it could be 17': Facebook Post

Of course the Landick II/Safari on the left is pretty dang cool as well. And I am really liking the brown boats, that looks great with either the bronzed aluminum or wood trim. "

The one on the right is definitely the boreas. Hope it's more of a shouldered nw17 rather than a stretched Polaris.

Can't believe I didn't notice the opal was new also. Little small for us, but still cool.
03/21/2024 10:56AM  
This popped up on my YouTube feed today:

Opal and Boreas Overview

If the specs are correct, 36" max width and 32" at the waterline leads me to believe it's pretty much a slightly longer Northwind with a shoulder rather than a larger Polaris.

Odd they didn't demo it with a kneeling thwart or center seat or removable yoke for a drop in. Why else would you buy it over the Northwind?
member (19)member
03/25/2024 07:39PM  
plmn: "This popped up on my YouTube feed today:

Opal and Boreas Overview

If the specs are correct, 36" max width and 32" at the waterline leads me to believe it's pretty much a slightly longer Northwind with a shoulder rather than a larger Polaris.

Odd they didn't demo it with a kneeling thwart or center seat or removable yoke for a drop in. Why else would you buy it over the Northwind? "

Thanks for the link. Can't wait to see the official specs when released. Not sure if I should create a new post for this, curious how others consider the different water lines and weight. The nw17 for example states 480lbs = 4" waterline. Is there an optimal waterline to target?
03/26/2024 11:23AM  
plmn: "This popped up on my YouTube feed today:

Opal and Boreas Overview

If the specs are correct, 36" max width and 32" at the waterline leads me to believe it's pretty much a slightly longer Northwind with a shoulder rather than a larger Polaris.

Odd they didn't demo it with a kneeling thwart or center seat or removable yoke for a drop in. Why else would you buy it over the Northwind? "

Anyone know what that boat next to the boreas was? Looked like a Rob Roy, Kayak, K1 type boat?
03/26/2024 12:12PM  
Speckled: Anyone know what that boat next to the boreas was? Looked like a Rob Roy, Kayak, K1 type boat?"

Landick II/Safari

Short Video Teaser

Quick History

Cool boat for sure.

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