BWCA MSR recall Boundary Waters Gear Forum
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distinguished member(3124)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/26/2024 05:20PM  

Heads up on recall on MSR Trail Lite and Reactor camping cooking pots for handles which come loose or disengaged.
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member (26)member
04/20/2024 06:35PM  
Hi Adam,

I have one of the trail lite cooking pots that was included in the recall. I went online at MSR and filled out the form and it took about 6 - 7 weeks but I received an MSR lite lifter pot gripper in the mail the other day.

It is fine. It is smaller than the bigger ones they still sell on the MSR website.

I easily removed the handle in question from the pot and will use the grippers going forward.


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