BWCA September 2024 Malberg Area Boundary Waters Trip Planning Forum
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      September 2024 Malberg Area     
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distinguished member (389)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/02/2024 04:27PM  
Planning on a trip to EP37, entering on September 8. I've mad over 15 trips to the BWCA before, but this is the first to this EP. Taking my two sons who have made several trips with me before but also taking my son in law for the first time. Want to make sure he has a great first experience.
Thinking about a base camp in Malberg area with day trips. Anyone have any suggestions? Any help with the fishing in that area at that time of year? Will the smallies still be hitting topwater at that time?
Thanks in advance
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distinguished member(5723)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
04/02/2024 04:37PM  
If you haven't seen it already???

The bugs were biting trip report.
distinguished member (389)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/02/2024 04:58PM  
TuscaroraBorealis: "If you haven't seen it already???

The bugs were biting trip report."

Somehow I hadn't seen it. I look forward to all your reports. Thanks for the heads up
04/02/2024 06:16PM  
Don't overlook kawasachong on the way in/out for fishing. I was pleasantly surprised by simply trolling a jig/white twister tail.

As you'll see from other's trip reports and such, the portage out the NE side of Marburg is really pretty and a great place to cast a line.
04/02/2024 06:57PM  
I based camped on Malberg last September, mid-month. We got some topwater action using whopper ploppers, but our best SM were caught trolling husky jerks over submerged rock structures.

River Lake has great fishing, and a daytrip to Fishdance to see the pictographs is worth it too.
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