BWCA Lake One Entry to Kawishiwi River Boundary Waters Trip Planning Forum
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      Lake One Entry to Kawishiwi River     
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distinguished member(1236)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/04/2024 06:11AM  
We are kick-starting a new church ministry this summer.

A group of us built a set of canoes and we are starting trip plans.

Our first youth trip is to Lake One and I'd like to go down the river but have never done it. The trip is not very many days and what I'm most curious about is getting back to our vehicle--is it a manageable trek back upriver? Or will we need to keep going? Our are great, but mostly inexperienced. My sense of the area is that we should be able to get back the way we came, but I don't want to assume anything.

Any tips will help us get this ministry off the ground and help a new group experience the wonder of a wilderness trip.

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distinguished member(8700)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
04/04/2024 06:18AM  
The current is imperceptible except at a few places where most everyone portages. (I say most because I once saw someone try to "gloat" down the stretch of rapids.)
senior member (68)senior membersenior member
04/04/2024 06:47AM  
Kawishiwi River is a great trip for people new to canoeing and the BWCA. I took a very inexperienced group of women from work on that route many years ago for a two night trip, and it went very well for everyone!

Like billconner said, there were no issues with current. The portages also are not difficult in that area, and are beautiful since you’re walking alongside rapids.
distinguished member(1236)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/04/2024 09:01AM  
Thanks! This sets my mind at ease.

I have been curious about this area for many years. I am excited.

04/04/2024 11:07AM  
I love the Kawishiwi River and it’s a great area for beginners. We took the girls into the river from Lake One for their first day trip when they were 4 and 2. My first solo trip was doing the Kawishiwi Triangle from the South Kawishiwi River entry point. Also, this summer I’m taking my 5 year old on his first bwca trip for a father son trip and we will be on the South Kawishiwi River.

I think it’s time we finally meet for that cup of coffee and bwca chat we’ve been trying to coordinate for so long.
distinguished member(1236)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/04/2024 10:14PM  
ducks! Let's do this thing man!
04/05/2024 05:48AM  
Think of that section of the Kawishiwi River as a series of long narrow lakes connected by rapids that you will portage. You will only notice current right near the portages.
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