BWCA Asparagus, morel reports? Boundary Waters Listening Point - General Discussion
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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
   Listening Point - General Discussion
      Asparagus, morel reports?     
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05/14/2024 01:06AM  
Both are up in southern MN. Just curious what people are seeing.
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distinguished member(743)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/14/2024 07:18AM  
Our asparagus is already too large. I cut some last week and it was, what I consider, the right size/dimension. Tasty! As for Morels, I can only pass along what I have seen my friends take pictures of...plentiful, large and a spectrum of browns/blacks this year.
05/14/2024 07:20AM  
Asparagus patch is prime; wild ones getting going.

Morels at peak.

Location: MN/IA border, more-or-less.
05/14/2024 09:06AM  
Got 20, mostly large morels this past weekend an hour south of the cities.
05/14/2024 09:53AM  
did fairly well finding ditch asparagus over the weekend. i like it raw. pickled some, as well.
member (21)member
05/14/2024 11:58AM  
Found my first morels of the year popping up in Ely this weekend. Just starting.
05/14/2024 11:56PM  
seismicfish: "Found my first morels of the year popping up in Ely this weekend. Just starting."

Wow thats suprising i guess. Wasn't sure of the conditions up there.
05/15/2024 12:00AM  
sns: "Asparagus patch is prime; wild ones getting going.

Morels at peak.

Location: MN/IA border, more-or-less."

This seems to be inline with us as well. Our patch has been producing for weeks but only recently the wild / ditch has been popping.
distinguished member (415)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/15/2024 11:24AM  
Here in Oceana County, in Magnificent West Michigan, the Asparagus Capital of the Country, the harvest is going great and it is absolutely delicious steamed or grilled!
distinguished member(2659)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/15/2024 12:05PM  
Both of these started to come up last week in Central Mn
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