BWCA Book recommendations Boundary Waters Listening Point - General Discussion
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05/26/2024 08:55PM  
Looking for good nonfiction book recommendations for my upcoming trip. Thanks in advance.
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distinguished member(1069)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/27/2024 05:51AM  
Canoeing With The Cree by Eric Sevareid

05/27/2024 05:54AM  
I don't know what genres of nonfiction would most interest you, but a couple I read recently and would recommend:

Fire Weather, John Vaillant
Young Men and Fire, Norman Maclean

In another vein:

A Death on the Barrens, George Grinnell
Barren Grounds, Skip Pessl
(2 differing viewpoints of the tragic Moffatt expedition)

The Lure of the Labrador Wild, Dillon Wallace
The long Labrador Trail, Dillon Wallace
A Woman's Way Through Unknown Labrador, Mina Hubbard
(3 related books about Labrador exploration)

And yet another:

Going Infinite, Michael Lewis

05/27/2024 09:11AM  
Gunflint Falling. (And if you have time get Gunflint Burning)
distinguished member (386)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/27/2024 09:17AM  
See the book club section for lots of great ideas.
member (38)member
05/27/2024 09:30AM  
Frenchy: "Canoeing With The Cree by Eric Sevareid

senior member (68)senior membersenior member
05/27/2024 09:39AM  
River of Fire, by Hap Wilson
05/27/2024 12:47PM  
Digger07: "
Frenchy: "Canoeing With The Cree by Eric Sevareid


Alternatively, "Hudson Bay Bound" is the female version of this adventure/route.
05/27/2024 12:54PM  
Trail of the Lost by Andrea Lankford and Last Entry Point by Joe Friedrichs I thought were good.
05/27/2024 12:59PM  
Just checked out from my local library Making the Carry by Tim Cochrane.

I also have a hold on many of the books listed above, surprised at the interest in them by people in southern MN.
member (11)member
05/27/2024 05:22PM  
Some great stories from Sig Olson, not sure which books of his they are in, but should be easy to find: “The Feel of Spring”, “The Loons of Lac la Croix”, “Farewell to Saganaga” and “The Immortals of Argo”.
distinguished member (279)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/27/2024 05:55PM  
I read The Sun is a Compass by Caroline Van Hemert a while back. It's outstanding.
member (24)member
05/27/2024 06:53PM  
If you're going to or through Ely, go to Piragis Outfitters and browse their book section. Honestly, always one of my highlights is just going there. If not going to Ely, you can check their website.
distinguished member (247)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/27/2024 11:01PM  
'Where Bigfoot Walks' by Robert Pyle is excellent.

'The Klamath Knot' by David Rains Wallace (Sierra Club award winner).

Both of these books are especially good reads while in the BWCA.
distinguished member (130)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/28/2024 11:53AM  
Sleeping Island and any of the older history books. Sleeping Island has been ut of print for some time, but you may be able to find it used or from a library. If you are doing any of the border route, Portage Into the Past by Bolz. Ely related stuff check out some of the books at the Ely-Winton Historical Society.
05/29/2024 09:24AM  
Canoeing with the Cree - Eric Sevaried. This is a classic and must read. The story of two young men's canoe trip from Minneapolis to Hudson Bay

Cache Lake Country - John J. Rowlands. The ultimate book for anybody who's wished they could go back in time and live in the north woods.

Father Water, Mother Woods - Gary Paulsen. Great stories about growing up in the north woods.

The Company - Steven R. Brown. Incredible history of the Hudson Bay Company, the fur trade, and the area generally.

Hudson Bay Bound - Natalie Warren. The modern story of two young women who recreate Sevaried's trip.

Adventure North - Sean Bloomfield. Another modern recreation of Sevaried's trip.

Disappointment River - Brian Castner. Account of author's 2016 paddle down the Mackenzie River.

Alone Againt the North & Beyond the Trees - Adam Shoalts. Great books about modern adventuring with canoes in the north.

Fur Trade Canoe Routes of Canada/ Then and Now - Eric Morse. Great short book on history and geogrpahy of the fur trade routes.

05/29/2024 11:02AM  
I would recommend you NOT read "Gunflint Falling" by Cary Griffiths nor "The Last Entry Point" by Joe Frederichs immediately preceding your trip. I did, and for the whole trip I had this vision of getting lost, having a tree fall on me, and being eaten by wolves, going through my brain for the entire trip!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

JK, they are both great books and interesting non-fiction reads :)
05/29/2024 03:15PM  
wxce1260: "I would recommend you NOT read "Gunflint Falling" by Cary Griffiths nor "The Last Entry Point" by Joe Frederichs immediately preceding your trip. I did, and for the whole trip I had this vision of getting lost, having a tree fall on me, and being eaten by wolves, going through my brain for the entire trip!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

JK, they are both great books and interesting non-fiction reads :)"

Good humor ;).

I tried to get both of those books from the library, but one has all 7 copies checked out and 7 people on the waiting list and the other one has all 4 copies checked out with 14 people on the waiting list.

I will be in Grand Marais/Gunflint Trail 4 different times between now and October plus Ely 1 time so spending some money on books at Drury Lane or Piragis sounds like a great idea.

I really liked Gunflint Burning and Lost in the Wild by Griffith and I really enjoy listening to Joe's podcasts, so Gunflint Falling and Last Entry Point are the next 2 books I want to read.
distinguished member(1999)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/30/2024 12:17AM  
Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer (my husband and I had so much fun splashing water on rock tripe after reading the chapter titled Umbilicaria: The Belly Button of the World)

Magic on the Rocks by Michael Furtman

The 29th Day by Alex Messenger

Portage Into the Past by J. Arnold Bolz

Canoe Country Flora by Mark Stensaas (absolutely most entertaining plant book I've ever read...brought it on a family trip and everyone kept stealing it from me or taking turns reading it aloud to the group). I just got his Canoe Country Wildlife, but haven't had a trip yet.

The Voyageur's Highway by Grace Lee Nute

Hudson Bay Bound by Natalie Warren

The Last Entry Point by Joe Frederichs

member (24)member
05/30/2024 08:09PM  
I'm not sure this is a recommendation, but I just remembered one of our Quetico trips one guy was reading the Bill Bryson book "Adventures of the Thunderbolt Kid". I'll post more about that in the book forum if you're interested. What I remember is him laughing loud enough for me to hear him from another tent, about every 5 minutes.
distinguished member (414)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/30/2024 09:13PM  
05/30/2024 09:21PM  
JWilder: " "

Awesome book from Leopold-Branded the father of conservation.
Pretty much mandatory to read by Fish and Wildlife students.
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