BWCA About the water rescue on Bald Eagle this fall Boundary Waters Listening Point - General Discussion
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      About the water rescue on Bald Eagle this fall     
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distinguished member(3039)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/01/2024 05:14PM  
I found a pack on shore most likely belonging to one of those rescued. I might not be the first one to find it since the pack was open and exposed to the elements. However some of the contents are still in good condition and probably of some value especially to the owner.
I retrieved the pack, tent and a few other things. If anyone knows how to find those folks that suffered the event, I can help them get some of their gear back. Thanks.
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11/01/2024 09:43PM  
You the man Tom!
distinguished member (454)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/02/2024 12:33PM  
I can't recall where the party was from, but there is an Ely Community Facebook page - which might be a good place to locate the owner of what you found.
11/02/2024 12:52PM  
The article that the earlier post linked to indicated that the Lake County Sheriff's office was involved. Maybe notify the sheriff that you have the pack?
distinguished member(3039)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/03/2024 02:08PM  
Thanks everyone.
I just got out actually. Ice is forming on the shallow water so that wraps up canoe season.

I found a prescription pill bottle in the pack with a name so this week I will try to find the owner.

I was solo so that extra pack was a bugger for me. But I hope the owner will want their gear back so that makes it worth it.

distinguished member (454)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/03/2024 06:53PM  
tumblehome: "Thanks everyone. I just got out actually. Ice is forming on the shallow water so that wraps up canoe season.

I found a prescription pill bottle in the pack with a name so this week I will try to find the owner.

I was solo so that extra pack was a bugger for me. But I hope the owner will want their gear back so that makes it worth it.


Good of you to make this effort!
11/04/2024 07:34AM  
Thanks for doing that! Good Job!

distinguished member(3039)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/08/2024 06:07PM  
And a happy ending…..

In the pack I found some prescription pills with a a partial name, RX number and a pharmacy.

I called the pharmacy and in a few words explained what I had, and asked if they would contact the person to have them call me.

Soon after, I received a text from the owner of the pack. They were extremely surprised to hear from me, almost in disbelief that I found their pack. I thought they dumped in September but they said they dumped back in June. So this pack was out there all summer.

Anyway, we exchanged some good words and they will be getting their pack back next week.

distinguished member(1458)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/08/2024 06:30PM  
tumblehome: "And a happy ending…..

In the pack I found some prescription pills with a a partial name, RX number and a pharmacy.

I called the pharmacy and in a few words explained what I had, and asked if they would contact the person to have them call me.

Soon after, I received a text from the owner of the pack. They were extremely surprised to hear from me, almost in disbelief that I found their pack. I thought they dumped in September but they said they dumped back in June. So this pack was out there all summer.

Anyway, we exchanged some good words and they will be getting their pack back next week.


It's great to hear a story with a good ending! Kudos to you, Tumblehome, for your integrity and going the extra mile to find the owner.
11/15/2024 06:51AM  
Nice! Good karma boost.
11/19/2024 05:28PM  
Just heard you tell the story on Paddle and Portage. Well done. One of my Dad’s favorite sayings was “what goes around comes around “. That made me smile when you said that.
distinguished member(3039)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/20/2024 07:00AM  
ducks: "Just heard you tell the story on Paddle and Portage. Well done. One of my Dad’s favorite sayings was “what goes around comes around “. That made me smile when you said that. "

Hey Ducks. Thanks for the kind words. I agree. Pay it forward is what I say. We reap what we sow.
11/23/2024 03:34PM  
Good people here no doubt!!

Bravo and well done.
11/23/2024 03:34PM  
Good people here no doubt!!

Bravo and well done.
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