BWCA Chat room Boundary Waters Listening Point - General Discussion
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01/10/2025 08:06PM  
Does the chat room get any use anymore? Is there a dedicated time we'd all like to maybe target to jump on? Happy hour? Wine/beer and good discussion around routes, lakes and anything else.

Thoughts from the group?
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distinguished member (280)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/10/2025 08:22PM  
Just came here to see if anyone was in the chat room
distinguished member(8869)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
01/11/2025 09:20AM  
Been a while since I even looked. Mostly silent for me since Kanoes passed.
distinguished member(3482)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/12/2025 04:45PM  
It’s been awhile…. Maybe i’ll try this week, at a few random times tbd.
01/13/2025 07:56AM  

If folks want to pick a night or two, we can publicize it a regular event.
member (8)member
01/13/2025 08:25AM  
Ya I've been wondering about this as well
01/13/2025 08:39AM  
If folks want to pick a night or two, we can publicize it a regular event."

I would suggest an evening - maybe Thursday - 7:00PM CST "Thursday Happy Hour"
member (8)member
01/13/2025 08:52AM  
how long are these sessions going to last?
01/13/2025 01:45PM  
bobbilly22: "how long are these sessions going to last?"

Probably depends on how long people want to chat at each other.
distinguished member (261)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/14/2025 05:14PM  
I’ve been a member for 4-5 years and was lurking quite a while before then…I didn’t even know we had a chat room! Ha!
distinguished member(940)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/14/2025 06:33PM  
I'm in there now. Hurry!
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Listening Point - General Discussion Sponsor:
Lodge of Whispering Pines