BWCA NTL #35 Winner: chessie Boundary Waters Listening Point - General Discussion
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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
   Listening Point - General Discussion
       NTL #35 Winner: chessie     
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02/02/2025 06:19PM  

Looking toward the center of the earth
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02/02/2025 06:31PM  
distinguished member(8027)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
02/02/2025 09:03PM  
Must be Wet Lake. :)
distinguished member (270)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/02/2025 10:08PM  
Lac Jules Verne
distinguished member(631)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/03/2025 04:33AM  
Looks pretty clear. Gonna go with Fat
02/03/2025 06:30AM  
02/03/2025 07:31AM  

Looking north. In the distance, on the left, you can see the lake.
02/03/2025 07:34AM  
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02/03/2025 08:15AM  
02/03/2025 08:27AM  
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02/03/2025 08:44AM  
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02/03/2025 08:47AM  
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02/03/2025 08:53AM  
02/03/2025 09:57AM  
02/03/2025 09:57AM  
02/03/2025 11:17AM  
02/03/2025 12:01PM  
02/03/2025 12:14PM  
Looking east. I used to be able to walk to this lake from the “entry point.” Now I have to take 3 portages.
02/03/2025 12:34PM  
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02/03/2025 01:12PM  
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02/03/2025 03:20PM  
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02/03/2025 03:24PM  
02/03/2025 03:43PM  
distinguished member(1411)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/03/2025 04:09PM  
WhitePine1: "Fourtown?"

I agree with WhitePine1. I think it's Fourtown, specifically the Fourtown side of the portage to Boot.

Or I could be completely delusional

02/03/2025 04:23PM  
MikeinMpls: "
WhitePine1: "Fourtown?"

I agree with WhitePine1. I think it's Fourtown, specifically the Fourtown side of the portage to Boot.

Or I could be completely delusional


You may be delusional Mike, but it’s not Fourtown. :)
02/03/2025 04:24PM  

These striations grab your attention as you come to the end of the portage.
02/03/2025 04:57PM  
West Pike
02/03/2025 05:43PM  
looking east from the portage
02/03/2025 06:27PM  
Good game eg, I have no idea, but it looks so familiar.
Not the Vento Unit cause three portages in have already been called?
I cannot find online maps of the old BWCA boundary's, to reference. I will say Smoke.
02/03/2025 07:54PM  
distinguished member(510)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/03/2025 09:05PM  
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02/03/2025 09:33PM  
distinguished member(631)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/04/2025 04:51AM  
02/04/2025 06:33AM  
looking west. The name of this lake is not the original name, but it does have a connection to the previous name.
distinguished member(510)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/04/2025 07:34AM  
02/04/2025 07:59AM  
Ogishkemuncie Lake
02/04/2025 08:43AM  
distinguished member(514)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/04/2025 09:16AM  
Tin Can Mike Lake
distinguished member(631)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/04/2025 09:40AM  
Tin can Mike? Didn't that used to be called murphy?
distinguished member(514)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/04/2025 11:12AM  
Deeznuts: "Tin can Mike? Didn't that used to be called murphy?"

Yes, it did. After Mike Murphy. Rumor has it he would drink his coffee out of a tin can, hence the name change. On old maps (like 100 years old!) you'll see it referred to as Murphy Lake.
02/04/2025 12:00PM  
chessie: "
Deeznuts: "Tin can Mike? Didn't that used to be called murphy?"

Yes, it did. After Mike Murphy. Rumor has it he would drink his coffee out of a tin can, hence the name change. On old maps (like 100 years old!) you'll see it referred to as Murphy Lake. "

Winner! The "entry point" is the old Range Lake entry and I used to be able to hike the old Cloquet Line all the way to Tin Can before a beaver damn raised the water level on Sandpit. The old line ran along the north east side of the lake.
distinguished member(514)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/04/2025 01:56PM  
egknuti: "
chessie: "
Deeznuts: "Tin can Mike? Didn't that used to be called murphy?"

Yes, it did. After Mike Murphy. Rumor has it he would drink his coffee out of a tin can, hence the name change. On old maps (like 100 years old!) you'll see it referred to as Murphy Lake. "

Winner! The "entry point" is the old Range Lake entry and I used to be able to hike the old Cloquet Line all the way to Tin Can before a beaver damn raised the water level on Sandpit. The old line ran along the north east side of the lake. "

It was the 'center of the earth' photo that was the dead giveaway ;) !

I wondered if you followed the old RR grade (built by the Swallow and Hopkins Co.) - it ran on the east sides of Range and Sandpit, then west side of Murphy, up to Horse, with a split going to Fourtown (I think). Is this one and the same as the "Cloquet Line"?
02/04/2025 08:03PM  
chessie: "
egknuti: "
chessie: "
Deeznuts: "Tin can Mike? Didn't that used to be called murphy?"

Yes, it did. After Mike Murphy. Rumor has it he would drink his coffee out of a tin can, hence the name change. On old maps (like 100 years old!) you'll see it referred to as Murphy Lake. "

Winner! The "entry point" is the old Range Lake entry and I used to be able to hike the old Cloquet Line all the way to Tin Can before a beaver damn raised the water level on Sandpit. The old line ran along the north east side of the lake. "

It was the 'center of the earth' photo that was the dead giveaway ;) !

I wondered if you followed the old RR grade (built by the Swallow and Hopkins Co.) - it ran on the east sides of Range and Sandpit, then west side of Murphy, up to Horse, with a split going to Fourtown (I think). Is this one and the same as the "Cloquet Line"? "

Yes. This was part of the Cloquet Line. Ha! I thought that early clue would give it away to fast.
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