BWCA Does a Scale Model Help? Boundary Waters Group Forum: Boat Builders and Repair
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      Does a Scale Model Help?     
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distinguished member (121)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/24/2010 10:53AM  
Hello all!

I have a sincere interest in constructing a cedar strip. However, being realistic I know I am a few years away from being able to take on the project. My question, particularly for HPD, is do you think building the scale model will help or did help you build the real thing? Thanks in advance for your opinions.
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distinguished member(2365)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/24/2010 09:07PM  

YES X 10

My model was from Bear Mountain. The techniques for model construction are as you would do for a full sized canoe.

Along the way I acquired and read several books (including the bible according to Ted Moores). This also helped because there are steps where "miracles do occur", and it was nice to look at the miracles through the eyes of others :)

I am also a big fan of North House. The hands on experience at North House brought it all together for me (especially the mystery world of fiber glassing)

Good luck in your dreams.

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