BWCA MN WingNight / OK Campers Sign In Boundary Waters Listening Point - General Discussion
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       MN WingNight / OK Campers Sign In     



jb in the wild
distinguished member(2651)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/20/2012 12:58PM  
Dust off the gear.


27th 28th 29th

Rockford, Mn. Lake Rebecca. Sarah Creek campgrounds


We are getting close, if the weather stays like this we will be swimming come W/N.

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01/20/2012 05:23PM  
01/20/2012 05:24PM  
Savage Voyageur
distinguished member(14464)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished membermaster membermaster member
01/20/2012 06:59PM  
quote Zulu: " "

Dang JB is that soup? I need more soup, Please.
distinguished member(1596)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/20/2012 07:05PM  
so does this mean winter is almost over????
01/20/2012 07:31PM  
Just for clarification because there are quite a few wing nights in the works....this is for the Minneapolis spring wing night campout at Lake Rebecca. ;-)
jb in the wild
distinguished member(2651)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/20/2012 08:00PM  
Yes, the Minnesota WingNight the home state of our beloved BWCA;)


distinguished member(1007)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/21/2012 08:22AM  
I have my eye on that cookie on the plate on the table.
That is 'YUM'!!!
01/21/2012 10:44AM  

Sorry JB, but if I drove all the way to the Twin Cities, I could not resist going a few miles farther to canoe country.

Hope to see some of you at the Copia, Rockford, and South WingNights.

jb in the wild
distinguished member(2651)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/21/2012 07:15PM  
Andy we are going to try and make it to your wingnight. It's only fair you made it to the one up here.

jb in the wild
distinguished member(2651)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/30/2012 09:35PM  
87 days and counting, time is closing in folks the way the weather has been we might be wearing shorts.

Remember we are looking for new or slightly used equipment that you would like to donate to the raffle.

Diva or me.

01/31/2012 12:18PM  
Andy, we enjoyed it when you came last spring. Hope to see you in Madison.

JB, I got a couple of the Bob Dustrude saws to donate. I hope it's okay that they are not used. :)
jb in the wild
distinguished member(2651)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/01/2012 07:01PM  
Ben you damn skippy it's OK. I hope I win one in the raffle they are nice.

02/03/2012 08:16PM  
JB. I should have at 2 Gerber LST's to donate. It's a nice, personal pocket knife. Made in the USA this one is.
jb in the wild
distinguished member(2651)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/04/2012 03:09PM  
Mongo are you gonna be there? Hope so.

02/04/2012 08:24PM  
What is it 83 dayz now? I'm looking as forward to this as my canoe trips.
02/05/2012 08:32AM  
quote jb in the wild: "Mongo are you gonna be there? Hope so.


I should be there for Saturday (at least).
jb in the wild
distinguished member(2651)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/09/2012 09:17PM  
Mongo cool looking forward to meeting you.

02/09/2012 09:22PM  
quote jb in the wild: "Mongo cool looking forward to meeting you.


he was there at the last spring wing, wasnt there at the fall.
jb in the wild
distinguished member(2651)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/09/2012 10:47PM  
Good with faces bad with names. Don't remember him from his profile picture. Looking forward to seeing you again I guess.

distinguished member(752)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/10/2012 07:00AM  
quote jb in the wild: "Good with faces bad with names. Don't remember him from his profile picture. Looking forward to seeing you again I guess.


Thats gotta be one of the best parts of getting old... You get to meet folks a couple different times right????
distinguished member(752)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/10/2012 07:01AM  
Freaking AWESOME!!!!!!!!! I dont have guards.........
02/10/2012 07:49AM  
quote serenityseeker: "so does this mean winter is almost over????" it Winter?
02/10/2012 06:16PM  
quote mooseplums: "
quote serenityseeker: "so does this mean winter is almost over????" it Winter?"

It was today!
jb in the wild
distinguished member(2651)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/11/2012 09:38PM  
75 dayzzzzzzzzzz it's getting close.
jb in the wild
distinguished member(2651)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/12/2012 05:42PM  
jb in the wild
distinguished member(2651)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/14/2012 09:16AM  
02/14/2012 09:44AM  
I'm packen...
02/14/2012 09:55AM  
can't wait!
distinguished member(1072)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/19/2012 11:13PM  
02/20/2012 12:05AM  
Looking forward to it.

distinguished member(7234)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
03/10/2012 08:15AM  
member (7)member
03/17/2012 12:18PM  
Me think Wingding look like fun
like to stop by but very shy and very very long walk from home.
jb in the wild
distinguished member(2651)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/17/2012 04:20PM  
Went by Lake Rebecca I've been checking on it daily. Yesterday a few hundred yards were open. Today Saturday almost 1/2 the lake is open I have never seen a lake open up so fast before. At this rate I'll be dipping a paddle this week, along with a line.


Sunday it's open.
03/17/2012 04:26PM  
quote bF00T: "Me think Wingding look like fun
like to stop by but very shy and very very long walk from home."

Hey Bfoot....I did my first WingNight last Spring with my wife and we had a Blast. Like us, you will be welcomed with open arms and won't regret it. GO!
03/17/2012 05:44PM  
quote bF00T: "Me think Wingding look like fun
like to stop by but very shy and very very long walk from home."

Make long walk. Many rewards to those who do. Much singing and dancing around camps! Shy people of Great Spirit show face be welcome!

member (7)member
03/18/2012 05:39AM  
little scared of people, they poke fun at my kind, say us no real.
you people pictures look freindly and kind. Me think I want to come. Think me should start walk now.
jb in the wild
distinguished member(2651)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/18/2012 07:58AM  
Must put on pants many men be envious of bFOOT.

03/27/2012 05:31PM  
Only a Month Away Everybody! Will be here before we know it.

Come rain or shine I will be there!
(And we have had plenty of both at previous camping wingnights.)

Hope to see many of you there and some new faces too!

03/27/2012 06:41PM  
quote AndySG: "
quote bF00T: "Me think Wingding look like fun
like to stop by but very shy and very very long walk from home."

Hey Bfoot....I did my first WingNight last Spring with my wife and we had a Blast. Like us, you will be welcomed with open arms and won't regret it. GO!"

Does this mean Andy and wife are coming? Will be a blast!
distinguished member(1072)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/28/2012 02:53PM are so welcome at our camp but remember we do have children and they scare kinda easy.
03/28/2012 03:06PM  
Heck I scare easily!
And I have been around these folks, felt welcome and appreciated. I only regret the camp-outs I have and may miss!

distinguished member (135)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/29/2012 05:36PM  
quote Divainthewild: " are so welcome at our camp but remember we do have children and they scare kinda easy. "

yeah, and I am one of those!

But don't worry, you will feel welcome. They have all welcomed me with open arms too!
May even have someone offering to take you on a trip.
(just make sure you carry your own gear:)
03/31/2012 08:29AM  
I'm cleaning out the trailer today so I can get the wood cut and loaded! Can't have a Wingnight with out a campfire!
03/31/2012 08:55AM  
"(just make sure you carry your own gear:)"

That's big talk for you Stanley! Come to think of it you express more opinions online than in person.

03/31/2012 10:05AM  
quote Kendra: "I'm cleaning out the trailer today so I can get the wood cut and loaded! Can't have a Wingnight with out a campfire!"

Wish I lived closer to help! Thanks for doing that. We'll bring our splitters. :)
03/31/2012 10:43PM  
might make it.
distinguished member(1072)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/01/2012 11:32AM  
Kendra - you ROCK!!!
04/01/2012 01:16PM  
I will see everyone there! Hoping to arrive Friday evening 6ish.

Bringing one guitar. Anyone else? (I think Hikiingstick said he was)
jb in the wild
distinguished member(2651)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/02/2012 08:11PM  
jb in the wild
distinguished member(2651)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/02/2012 08:12PM  
I said Bump
04/02/2012 09:11PM  
You need a role call? I'm in!
distinguished member(7234)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
04/02/2012 09:21PM  
I'm in. My son is probably coming also. My wife and dog are a game day decision.
distinguished member(4446)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
04/03/2012 12:59AM  
i'm thinking Saturday AM with something for the pot luck and gear lottery.Mrs Wetcanoedog sounds like a good solid "more likely" than "maybe". our very old dog,17 this month,needs close attention as she wanders and such other old dog stuff so one night will be enough for her around a group camp.i had a great time when i soloed at the last Wing Night and want to bring the rest of the canoe load along this time.
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