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   BWCA Food and Recipes
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07/26/2012 08:50PM  
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distinguished member (424)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/27/2012 10:40AM  
A most EXCELLENT post. Thank you. Enough recipes in there to keep one busy for quite some time.
distinguished member(7917)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
07/27/2012 01:44PM  
This is excellent, Satch. I have saved that to my documents. Sure not going to print 500+ pages! Thanks for posting the link.
senior member (72)senior membersenior member
07/27/2012 04:59PM  
Thanks for the post. We are always looking for new recipes to try.
07/30/2012 04:22PM  
WOW! Look at all those Dutch Ovens! Thank you! Thank You! I am very interested! Can't thank you enough! LOVE IT!
07/31/2012 12:34PM  
Thanks for the link. Some good looking recipes in there.
member (6)member
09/22/2012 10:27PM  
Great find! I will be sharing this with our Scout Troop for sure
distinguished member(1069)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/23/2012 07:37AM  
Wow, that is sure a lot to digest in one sitting. It will take a while to go through those recipes. It should give me something to do over the winter.
09/25/2012 10:32AM  
quote Frenchy: "Wow, that is sure a lot to digest in one sitting. It will take a while to go through those recipes. It should give me something to do over the winter."

You are really burning the calories if you digest all of this at one sitting. ;o)

09/25/2012 10:32AM  
BTW, very nice posting. I have saved it and planned to peruse during some downtime. I add my thanks to everyone elses.
09/25/2012 11:42PM  
Nice! Thanks!
senior member (59)senior membersenior member
09/30/2012 05:04PM  
Wow, Thanks
distinguished member(1635)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
10/01/2012 04:43PM  
Great source. Thanks for sharing. Now I'm hungry.
10/02/2012 10:09AM  
wow, nice find. Thanks for posting, lots of trial things in there.
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