BWCA great jerky Boundary Waters BWCA Food and Recipes
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      great jerky     



09/23/2012 01:13AM  
I was reading some older threads and came across one about jerky. I buy jerky from YE OLD BUTCHER SHOPPE in Rochester Minn, great jerky and it will last nearly forever, I send their jerky to my sailors when they are deployed and it takes as long as 2 months for the boxes to reach them and the jerky is always good, my 2 cents worth. Fred
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distinguished member (424)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/25/2012 09:13PM  
Never had their jerky as I make my own, but they sure do have some fantastic cuts of meat. Hands down one of the best meat shops around. Top quality stuff.
10/10/2012 06:04PM  
I make mine and I usually use Beef Tenderloin (goes on sale certain times of the year). It is the best cut I have used.
distinguished member (397)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
10/10/2012 06:14PM  
We just started making ours, Mr. got me a dehydrator for our anniversary :) We've used the High Country and one other brand I can't remember off the top of my head, but I really liked the high country, we did elk meat with it. Very tasty!
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