BWCA Using TVP in 1 pot meals Boundary Waters BWCA Food and Recipes
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      Using TVP in 1 pot meals     



senior member (56)senior membersenior member
03/26/2013 06:29PM  
I am considering using a ham flavored TVP as an ingredient in a jambalaya for a FBC/1 pot meal. My question is once the meal is cooked (at home) and ready for the dehydrator is there any caution or concerns in dehydrating the meal with the TVP?

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distinguished member (105)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/26/2013 10:25PM  
TVP is already dehydrated. You would be adding it to your dish in camp. It sucks up water/broth like rice or cous cous when it rehydrates, so adjust your rehydration accordingly.
From wiki...Serve ham-flavored textured vegetable protein in a dry or reconstituted form.
Dry TVP with ham flavoring can be added to salads and dips.
Reconstitute ham flavored TVP with 3/4 cup of boiling water over a cup of textured vegetable protein to add to recipes that call for ham.

distinguished member(4987)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
03/27/2013 06:05AM  
We use the TVP that is like hamburger and ismoist and comes in one big block. I dehydrate it and then add it to meals at camp as needed. It rehydrates easily and I relly don't notice much difference in it from burger.
03/27/2013 06:17AM  
what section of a grocery store is tvp located?
distinguished member (105)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/27/2013 11:53AM  
I cant see why you wouldnt be able to add it to your dish and dehydrate everything together, but this is something i have not tried myself. If you dont find an answer here, my solution would be to test it. Make your dish, add some ham tvp to a 1 serving portion, dehydrate it and rehydrate it to see how it tastes.

I haven't seen a moist version of ham tvp when I look online, but maybe I am just missing something. Reviews compare it to bacon bits. I've read a few and people that don't love the chicken & beef variety seem to love the ham version, even eating them right out of the package. Good luck with your jambalaya, it sounds terrific.
distinguished member(4987)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
03/27/2013 03:37PM  
At our grocery stores it's usually over in the health food aisles/section. Just ask a manager at the store.
distinguished member(596)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/28/2013 03:42PM  
Mexican grocery stores often have tvp where they keep the spices.
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