BWCA Omelet in a bag Boundary Waters BWCA Food and Recipes
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      Omelet in a bag     



04/18/2013 03:54PM  
(First morning Breakfast)
Green & Red Peppers

Preparation at home before trip. Fry sausage, dice onions,peppers,and mushrooms. Crack eggs in large bowl and mix all other ingredients in same bowl. Pour into 1 gallon vaccum bag and vaccuum seal the bag TWICE. I put into a folgers coffee container and put into freezer at least 3 days before trip. (1 more line of defense incase of breakage during portaging.

Drop the bag into a pot of boiling water until done. May need to pull out once in awhile and squeeze bag to make sure it is thoroughly cooked.

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04/18/2013 05:03PM  
Yes! I had this on a campout w/Scouts last month. They called it 'Space Eggs' Very easy to do, minimal cleanup. Only negative is the waste produced by the bags but the upside is you can eat right out of the bag too!

Oh, and cheese. Must have cheese.
distinguished member(8700)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
04/18/2013 05:08PM  
OK - not same - but this weekend Scout camp is fire cooking so for Sunday morning - we like to eat and be packed by 9 - I'm doing foil pack eggs. Fresh sausage pushed into a thin patty in center, lay on a slice of cheese, make a "nest" of fresh grated potato, and break an egg into the nest, break yolk. Fold and seam foil, cook 15 minutes egg side up and 5 minutes over. No dishes.

I do like my Coleman triple burner....
distinguished member(637)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/18/2013 06:46PM  
quote BillConner01: "OK - not same - but this weekend Scout camp is fire cooking so for Sunday morning - we like to eat and be packed by 9 - I'm doing foil pack eggs. Fresh sausage pushed into a thin patty in center, lay on a slice of cheese, make a "nest" of fresh grated potato, and break an egg into the nest, break yolk. Fold and seam foil, cook 15 minutes egg side up and 5 minutes over. No dishes.

I do like my Coleman triple burner.... "

Reminds me a friend who is the king of "Camp Foil Cooking". He carries a old "tea billie" and a old metal cup. Everything else he does is with foil.

He had a fish thing he did with ramen noodles. He laided down half a pack of ramen noodles, placed a fish fillet on top of that and added a spice mix and water. sealed it up placed it on warm coals and 10 minutes later it was done. Was pretty good and different.
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