BWCA DIY lightweight camping tables (please share) Boundary Waters Gear Forum
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      DIY lightweight camping tables (please share)     



06/01/2014 06:46PM  
I came across this lightweight solution and thought it looked pretty good.

I have seen Jan's table he's been bringing to wingnights a couple of times.

Has anyone made a DIY lightweight table and can you share with us? Thanks.
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distinguished member (162)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
06/01/2014 08:10PM  
Here is one we made from 3/16" plywood. Stained and then coated with several coats of poly. It weighs 19.5 oz and measures 17x24. That's the size that slides into my pack.

distinguished member(2751)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
06/01/2014 09:12PM  
Both great ideas. Thanks.
Grandma L
distinguished member(5624)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
06/01/2014 09:25PM  
quote deancamp: "Here is one we made from 3/16" plywood. Stained and then coated with several coats of poly. It weighs 19.5 oz and measures 17x24. That's the size that slides into my pack.


Nice - is there a angle support under the table back to the tree? Or, is it just held by rope?
distinguished member (162)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
06/01/2014 09:44PM  
I use rope only. Put a knot in the rope so it won't pull through the hole. Feed the rope through one of the holes closest to the tree then around the tree and through the other hole close to the tree. I tighten this with a truckers hitch to hold it tight to the tree. The other rope does the same thing on the holes furthest from the tree wrapping high on the tree to support the front of the table. I tighten this enough to slightly tip the front of the table up and when weight is added it levels the table and causes it to push back into the tree. Sorry, for my poor explanation. If it's confusing I'll try again.
06/01/2014 09:45PM  
quote deancamp: "Here is one we made from 3/16" plywood. Stained and then coated with several coats of poly. It weighs 19.5 oz and measures 17x24. That's the size that slides into my pack.


Nice! This might be the ticket. Couple this with Jan's method of drilling a lot of holes for weight reduction this could end up being perfect.

Can you tell me more about how it hangs? How do you keep it from falling away / down from the tree underneath?
06/01/2014 09:47PM  
Oops, never mind. I see the rope around the tree now from the back corners. Thanks a lot.
distinguished member (162)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
06/01/2014 10:02PM  
It hasn't failed me yet, but I would be cautious with putting a stove on it. That's my small print.
06/02/2014 08:55AM  
The tree table is great. I'm thinking about a adding a hole in the center just larger than a tarp pole. Then the guy lines would attach above and the table could be used as a mantle (as such), for cards or drinks. Leave the tree notch and it can do both.

06/02/2014 04:25PM  
quote Jeemon: "The tree table is great. I'm thinking about a adding a hole in the center just larger than a tarp pole. Then the guy lines would attach above and the table could be used as a mantle (as such), for cards or drinks. Leave the tree notch and it can do both.


Another great idea. Center pole in the middle of the tarp and you have table dead center and out of the rain.

Keep'em coming.
distinguished member (162)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
06/02/2014 08:20PM  
Jeemon you got me thinking. I use a ridgeline for my tarp setup, so I don't use a tent pole. I might try hanging the table from the center of the tarp and then drive a stake directly below it to anchor it down and hold it steady. Although that might sag the center of my tarp too much, we shall see.
06/02/2014 08:32PM  
I really like that your table design will slide nicely into my food pack. Right next to the insulating box. Out of the way, almost unnoticed, until needed.
Moss Tent
Guest Paddler
06/03/2014 09:08AM  
This thread is sheer brilliance.

I'm going to make one out of perforated aluminum, for mounting both to a tree trunk, and suspended from a branch or pole.

Wow, fantastic. I might even make it hinged, or make 2 of them. This is really, really fantastic. Love it!
distinguished member (358)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
06/03/2014 01:29PM  
Saw these at the Midwest Mountaineering Expo, they are super lightweight.

Flex Lite table
distinguished member(1363)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
06/03/2014 02:59PM  
Someone in Iron Mn (Virginia) was selling some homemade fillet tables that look very much like the original post on here. It appeared to have a small pointed pins to stick into the outside bark of tree (just enough to catch) and had chains that wrapped around the tree to support it. I was going to buy one but never got around to it.
Grandma L
distinguished member(5624)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
06/03/2014 03:42PM  
quote Jeemon: "I really like that your table design will slide nicely into my food pack. Right next to the insulating box. Out of the way, almost unnoticed, until needed."

if you are thinking of making them - count me in! I would love one!
distinguished member (485)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
06/03/2014 04:55PM  
Easy to make ! Cool table that fits in my pack!

even works sideways ! Lol I would rotate it if I could figure out how.
Moss Tent
Guest Paddler
06/03/2014 06:26PM  
I was thinking about it and wood might just be the way to go, for filleting, just in case.

I thought of pins to pierce the bark, as we probably all have, but if it's tied on properly, slipping shouldn't be a problem---right? Also I don't want any fixed prongs on anything I'm going to shove into my pack.

Maybe wood, with a small perforated aluminum insert for placement of a stove.

And maybe a garbage bag hanging from one side, and maybe collapsible fabric utensil holders slung underneath. The possibilities are endless--also, maybe take 2, one slightly flimsier, to hook up overhead, as a dual-purpose rain awning, and place to hang a kitchen light?

OK time to stop, I know.
distinguished member(4987)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
06/03/2014 06:35PM  
Look on you tube there are a bunch of tree tables. One was made out of a cutting board. They used to commercially make tree tables. The one I remember had a strap that went around the tree and tightened up to hold it against the tree. It was pretty good sized too as you could put a Coleman 2 burner stove on it.
Grandma L
distinguished member(5624)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
06/03/2014 06:52PM  
I want one - but I don't work with wood - only fabric and sewing machine.
06/03/2014 07:27PM  
quote RC: "Saw these at the Midwest Mountaineering Expo, they are super lightweight.

Flex Lite table "

I like this one for its, "looks like an end table" appeal. I think it's too large for most people but cool none the less. This reduced in size could be a nice lightweight addition.

I will craft something from all these idea's eventually so at least for me, its extremely valuable.
06/03/2014 07:44PM  

Upright now hopefully. Thanks for the picture.
distinguished member(4987)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
06/03/2014 07:44PM  
quote okinaw55: "
quote RC: "Saw these at the Midwest Mountaineering Expo, they are super lightweight.

Flex Lite table "

I like this one for its, "looks like an end table" appeal. I think it's too large for most people but cool none the less. This reduced in size could be a nice lightweight addition.

I will craft something from all these idea's eventually so at least for me, its extremely valuable. "

I saw those at the Spring Outdoor Expo. They looked OK but I wonder about the durability of them in a pack. As the top would get bent up and I think lose it's stiffness.
06/03/2014 07:48PM  
quote OldFingers57: "
quote okinaw55: "
quote RC: "Saw these at the Midwest Mountaineering Expo, they are super lightweight.

Flex Lite table "

I like this one for its, "looks like an end table" appeal. I think it's too large for most people but cool none the less. This reduced in size could be a nice lightweight addition.

I will craft something from all these idea's eventually so at least for me, its extremely valuable. "

I saw those at the Spring Outdoor Expo. They looked OK but I wonder about the durability of them in a pack. As the top would get bent up and I think lose it's stiffness. "

I didn't bother to read what it was made of. I'm more interested in design ideas. I think I should be able to come up with something that is lightweight and durable for my needs. Honestly I was only looking for one table when I started this thread but now I'm leaning toward two if I can get them light enough, durable enough, and easy to pack.

06/05/2014 01:47PM  
Production line
distinguished member(4987)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
06/05/2014 05:02PM  
quote okinaw55: "
quote OldFingers57: "
quote okinaw55: "
quote RC: "Saw these at the Midwest Mountaineering Expo, they are super lightweight.

Flex Lite table "

I like this one for its, "looks like an end table" appeal. I think it's too large for most people but cool none the less. This reduced in size could be a nice lightweight addition.

I will craft something from all these idea's eventually so at least for me, its extremely valuable. "

I saw those at the Spring Outdoor Expo. They looked OK but I wonder about the durability of them in a pack. As the top would get bent up and I think lose it's stiffness. "

I didn't bother to read what it was made of. I'm more interested in design ideas. I think I should be able to come up with something that is lightweight and durable for my needs. Honestly I was only looking for one table when I started this thread but now I'm leaning toward two if I can get them light enough, durable enough, and easy to pack.


They are made out of the same material that all of the political signs are made out of any more. It's basically a corrugated plastic. Go to a sign store and they should have whatever size you need.
distinguished member (162)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
06/05/2014 07:05PM  
Jeemon, That's what I'm talking about! Pictures when your done.
06/05/2014 07:33PM  
Even dinner was interested in what table it shall be served.
06/05/2014 09:15PM  
quote Jeemon: " Even dinner was interested in what table it shall be served."

Man .. youre a guy that gets down to work! It's still an idea for me. haha
Grandma L
distinguished member(5624)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
06/05/2014 09:19PM  
quote Jeemon: " Even dinner was interested in what table it shall be served."

Wow, looks great - and sturdy! Now you need to market them.
06/05/2014 09:51PM  
OldFingers, I think you are misunderstanding me. I don't want cheap junk material. I was saying I like the "look" of the table and "if" I could find an acceptable material it might work. The cheap stuff that one is made out of is most definitely not in my list of good materials.
distinguished member (162)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
06/06/2014 06:30AM  
Good stuff, looks good and strong too.
06/08/2014 08:50AM  
quote Grandma L: "
quote Jeemon: " Even dinner was interested in what table it shall be served."

Wow, looks great - and sturdy! Now you need to market them. "

As requested
distinguished member(2661)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
06/24/2016 11:16PM  
I love this s***. I know what a couple buddies are getting for christmas
distinguished member (367)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
06/25/2016 01:16AM  
Here's the rig we use to avoid having to hunker. It consists of a sturdy piece of sheet metal with a curved edge, which is snugged against a tree using an adjustable cord. The sheet metal "table" has a couple of holes drilled at the front that keep the adjustable hiking poles secure. It works well and is light weight and can be used almost anywhere where there is a tree. I wouldn't fillet a fish on it but it's sturdy enough for most food prep situations including chopping.
distinguished member(3694)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
06/25/2016 10:49AM  
quote Jeemon: " Even dinner was interested in what table it shall be served."
so, if I put a one way hinge and fold it in half it would be even smaller???
distinguished member (472)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
06/25/2016 12:56PM  
You can get an actual camping table for like $23. I have one of these helinox knock offs. Weighs 23 ounces and works beautifully. Packs better than a slab of wood to.

ebay camping table

06/27/2016 08:16AM  
Rather than wood, why not just use a thin cheap cutting board? Should be able to get it lighter and thinner.
distinguished member(5162)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
06/27/2016 10:40AM  
Am I the only one that still does this for a table?

distinguished member (324)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
06/27/2016 10:51AM  
Does that eBay table remain rigid even when not unfolded with the legs? I'd like something I can also use in the tent for card/board games.
distinguished member (472)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
06/28/2016 12:55PM  
quote newguy: "Does that eBay table remain rigid even when not unfolded with the legs? I'd like something I can also use in the tent for card/board games."

No, but I'd personally much rather play games under a tarp than in a tent.
distinguished member(3694)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/28/2016 07:34PM  
Working on my thought of making this half the size when folded. What do you call a hinge that only opens one way? Thinking rope on sides allows table to stay open supported by its own weight. Then fold in half to put into pack. ( I can see it in my head) ;)
07/28/2016 10:33PM  
I have the GSI Micro Table. Very Sturdy and not too heavy. I also have the Macro version. Great thing is you can put hot items on them.
distinguished member(1729)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/29/2016 03:36PM  
I bring my food in kitty litter buckets. They are tidy, waterproof and (most important) mouse proof.

I bring a very light piece of wood to lay on top. It works great.

(I also bring a folding wind screen. That fits very nicely on the table too...)
distinguished member (210)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/04/2022 03:00PM  
Jeemon: "The tree table is great. I'm thinking about a adding a hole in the center just larger than a tarp pole. Then the guy lines would attach above and the table could be used as a mantle (as such), for cards or drinks. Leave the tree notch and it can do both.

"This has a lot of potential. I like that you can do the tree mount or the pole mount. Very simple, dual purpose, inexpensive and lightweight.
What do you do about different size trees? You have to cut that curve based on .oat typical tree...maybe 8"....but what do you do with an 18" tree?
distinguished member (210)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/05/2022 07:38PM  

distinguished member (210)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/05/2022 07:40PM  
Thanks for all the great ideas everyone.
05/12/2022 10:22AM  

Had stuff lying around, this is mine.
distinguished member (210)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/31/2023 10:04AM  
Here's one I made for kayak camping.
It stores in the rear well of the kayak. Since its a SOT fishing kayak, the well get's water sloshing around because it's self draining...but not dry. So this makes sort of a bilge deck to keep stuff out of the water. And it's cut to the exact shape of the kayak.
3/8" plywood, marine varnish. Two holes cut to fit the accessory cup holder inserts from my RAV4. The circular clips at the corners are the clutch plates from a Jorgensen pipe clamp. They are fastened so that they are loose and can move around. At campsite, cut three sticks, get the ends pointy, stick them in the ground and slide the table over the sticks. The original idea was that the clutch plates would grip the sticks just like the pipe clamp...but in reality I need a little piece of cord to tie the stick firmly to the rings.

distinguished member (210)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/31/2023 10:14AM  
Here's another cheap one I made. 1/4" plywood. Holes for sticks. Dead simple. Doesn't work as well as the other one.

distinguished member (210)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/31/2023 10:17AM  
I'm working on a fishing table for the canoe. Which could be removed, and used as a fillet table and camp table. Will post some pictures when complete.
distinguished member (210)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
06/12/2023 01:07PM  
Blackdogyak: "I'm working on a fishing table for the canoe. Which could be removed, and used as a fillet table and camp table. Will post some pictures when complete."

OK. Here's the table. I used it this week on a five day trip. Works pretty well.
3/8" plywood, 5/4 x 3 pine at edges. The front edge is removable. Stainless hardware. The corner leg sockets are meant for fastening bimini-top tubing on a boat. Stainless threaded socket screwed into wood accepts 1/4" stainless pan head machine bolts. Sockets can be flipped so either face of table can be used. Fits 3600 series plano boxes when used as fishing table. Legs are 7/8" dowel. Marine spar varnish finish.

Legs need bracing. I used some cord in an "X-brace" configuration. I think I'll get some amsteel cord (low stretch) and use for the "Xs".

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