BWCA OvaEasy Whole Egg Crystals Boundary Waters BWCA Food and Recipes
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   BWCA Food and Recipes
      OvaEasy Whole Egg Crystals     



11/15/2014 10:58AM  
Has anyone used these? Are they any good?
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11/15/2014 12:41PM  
They are the best dry egg product I have ever used. We usually take fresh eggs, but in a pinch, I will use these.
distinguished member (420)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/15/2014 02:50PM  
Yes they are the best I have found. Can actually be cooked and eaten like scambled eggs.
11/15/2014 10:38PM  
I agree! I purchased from REI. They were the cheapest that I could find for buying a 1 dozen package.
Dances with Sheep
distinguished member (260)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/16/2014 04:43PM  
Try them. You won't be disappointed.
11/19/2014 10:07PM  
I will have to give them a try. I had the freeze dried eggs this summer. I will never make that mistake again.
distinguished member (367)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/20/2014 04:04PM  
I heartily agree, an excellent product. This is where I buy mine and the best price that I've found:
Ova Easy
11/21/2014 09:56AM  
I thought they were good in themselves. But on our fall trip Denton Doc got me to try Nido Milk in them and it pretty much takes away any thought they aren't real eggs out there.
Guest Paddler
12/04/2014 08:40PM  
My two sons and myself had Ova Easy eggs for 4 breakfasts this summer in Quetico.
The results were great. Mix with bacon bits or summers sausage or omelet with onion, peppers and cheese. No need to take real eggs.
distinguished member(1530)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
12/07/2014 04:49PM  
Hands down the best. You get what you pay for there.
distinguished member(2527)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/08/2015 04:46PM  
Been using them for 4-5 years now. They are very easy to use, and good tasting. Used them for french toast (before the new Ova-easy french toast recipe) and they worked great for that as well. Found the best price at Amazon or Ebay, when buying 4-6 packs at a time. Note that at best, one pack is equal to a dozen MEDIUM eggs.
They are a little spendy, but it's much better than oatmeal every day.
01/23/2015 06:27AM  
Finally broke down and tried these. I was very impressed. I dont think I'll ever use regular dried eggs again.
02/16/2015 08:08PM  
Going to give these a try this year. I have been using eggs form the Egg Store the last 5 or 6 years and they closed up shop last year.
02/21/2015 11:30AM  
Yes, and they are great. I even use them to make pancakes from scratch.
senior member (72)senior membersenior member
04/05/2015 05:54AM  
these work great but they make a lot at once so make sure you look at serving sizes
distinguished member (195)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/05/2015 09:51AM  
A package is just right for 4 guys with some added spam -- Yum
distinguished member (228)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/06/2015 01:14PM  
quote openwide: "these work great but they make a lot at once so make sure you look at serving sizes"

I portioned my last pack into 1-2 egg ziplocks had a couple left over, put them in the fridge when I got back. Used them a few months later and they were fine
distinguished member(593)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/16/2015 01:25PM  
Okay, okay...I am one of those people that really do not like powdered eggs. Been avoiding taking any kind of prepared omelette/egg product because of the texture & taste. After reading the rave reviews, I went ahead & I bought a few packages of the OvaEasy eggs. This past weekend I finally got the chance to make them. Wow, I am pleasantly surprised. It's eggs folks! It cooks like eggs, firms up like eggs, tastes like eggs (because it's eggs). I never told my husband his breakfast came from a pouch, he scarfed it down.

Here are some pictures for those of you that need convincing. Yay! Eggs are back!
member (44)member
04/16/2015 04:15PM  
I ordered some of these to try out for our upcoming trip. They're pretty darn good and very cheap compared to other powdered egg mix.

Augason Farms
distinguished member (110)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/17/2015 08:16AM  
The eggs and the french toast mix are incredible.
Not like the dehydrated egg products I've had before.
distinguished member(2850)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/17/2015 10:38PM  
I am normally a boil water kind of cook these days in the wilderness but picked up two packs of these at REI this week on a whim.

Then I found a really light fry pan at Goodwill along with a set of really small cooking utensils from IKEA and a Primus stove. I think it is a sign from the gods that I am meant to cook these eggs up on my next BWCA trip!
distinguished member(1269)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/04/2015 09:05PM  

I noticed that the manufacturer has the smaller 2.0oz packets on their website, with free shipping. Not sure if that is still valid or not.

I also saw that they might have had a recall of some sort last year on a few select product datecodes. I am thinking of trying these, but I'll probably give them a little extra cooking just in case, since they are a real egg product.

05/11/2015 12:27PM  
Just ordered the 2 oz. package to try and yes, free shipping is still on.

quote NotLight: "
I noticed that the manufacturer has the smaller 2.0oz packets on their website, with free shipping. Not sure if that is still valid or not.

I also saw that they might have had a recall of some sort last year on a few select product datecodes. I am thinking of trying these, but I'll probably give them a little extra cooking just in case, since they are a real egg product.

09/19/2015 07:50PM  
I finally tried these and they tasted...well, like eggs! They were actually very good.
09/21/2015 05:33PM  
I finally tried them too. I think I had my bar set too me, they were just ok.
distinguished member(8700)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
09/21/2015 08:42PM  
quote msnature: "Just ordered the 2 oz. package to try and yes, free shipping is still on.

quote NotLight: "
I noticed that the manufacturer has the smaller 2.0oz packets on their website, with free shipping. Not sure if that is still valid or not.

I also saw that they might have had a recall of some sort last year on a few select product datecodes. I am thinking of trying these, but I'll probably give them a little extra cooking just in case, since they are a real egg product.


Link to that offer? I couldn't find it.
03/28/2016 09:28AM  
I've never really been the best scrambled egg cookerer. :) I make a couple over medium eggs about every day. I've been happy with the ovaeasy eggs, but I "thought" they lacked the ability to really get fluffed. Our fire department cooks the Easter breakfast for the church. One of our guys makes an awesome scrambled egg. I watched him all morning. Very simple really... I tried his technique this morning with my ovaeasy eggs and wa la, best scrambled eggs I've ever made... Thanks Frank!

distinguished member (248)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/28/2016 03:20PM  
So what's the technique?
03/30/2016 11:39AM  
quote walleyevision: "So what's the technique?"

Guess you'll have to come to one of our breakfasts... Haha. From the time he tosses them on he just keeps sort of scaping into a pile and kind of chopping them. Nothing fancy... I add any spices right in the mix. I do mix with some pwd milk when I m mixing.
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