BWCA Trip Report - Back in the BWCA : Our first adventure Boundary Waters Trip Reports
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08/09/2015 03:41PM  
New Trip Report posted by Magrockt

Trip Name: Back in the BWCA : Our first adventure.

Entry Point: 54A

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distinguished member(2117)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/09/2015 05:12PM  
Sounds like you had a good trip. Don't get rid of that Grumman, it comes in handy on big lake base camping trips like that one. Do invest in a roof system. Those of us over in the gear forum can help you there.
08/09/2015 06:31PM  
Glad you got out there, and you're right - the second trip will go much more smoothly. I hope you get to go for a little longer next time, so there's a better chance of some better weather.
08/11/2015 06:39AM  
Thanks. We've got four trips done now, just finally getting them written up.
member (13)member
08/11/2015 05:00PM  
Glad you had fun. We had the same entry point a week later. And we had wind too! It was our first time and it is a bit scary to be on a big lake in a canoe and the wind whips up. I didn't know the weather changes so fast up north! Thanks for the report.
distinguished member(5162)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
08/11/2015 06:06PM  
Seagull can kick up some nasty seas at times. Beautiful place, though. Funny, one of the the only snakes I've seen in the BWCAW was on an island on Seagull. John and Rose at Cross River certainly cook a good breakfast don't they? Glad you had a good time!
distinguished member(1403)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/14/2015 08:31PM  
I'm proud of you guys. You stretched a bit and if you will keep stretching you will find things go more smoothly from planning to packing to paddling. You just can't control the weather.
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