BWCA Trip Report - Ruby's First Trip Boundary Waters Trip Reports
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      Trip Report - Ruby's First Trip     



distinguished member (121)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/08/2015 10:18AM  
New Trip Report posted by adludwig

Trip Name: Ruby's First Trip.

Entry Point: 66

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distinguished member(2066)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/08/2015 12:05PM  
Sounds like a great time. Ruby is a trooper.
09/09/2015 07:18AM  
I love it!!! What a great smile she has. Thanks for sharing! My daddy/daughter trips are my favorite. I alternate each year which daughter goes and my older daughter went at 5,7,and 9 and my younger daughter at 5 and 7. It's my older daughters turn next year and both of them talk about their last trip and their next trip all of the time. They also get a new patch each trip that they have sewn on their pink ccs rucksack.

Both of them want to go to Crocodile for their next trip.

distinguished member (238)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/10/2015 09:55AM  
thanks for the report and great pics. It took me back to when I first took my daughters to the BWCAW.
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