BWCA Trip Report - Seeking September solitude Boundary Waters Trip Reports
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      Trip Report - Seeking September solitude     



distinguished member(5723)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
11/20/2015 07:04PM  
New Trip Report posted by TuscaroraBorealis

Trip Name: Seeking September solitude.

Entry Point: 4

Click Here to View Trip Report
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11/21/2015 01:09PM  
Nice report. Congratulations on the all time best bass.
11/22/2015 10:32AM  
Thanks for another great trip report, TB. Aurora is becoming quite the young tripper and I'm sure by the time she's 12 will be ready to guide her boyfriend ;).

I went in the Crab Lake entry years ago with my brother. We went up to Cummings and back, but did not hit all the other areas that you did. We stayed on that same site on Crab the last night, but it was so windy the next morning that we had to bushwhack to the portage. We came out on 9/14 in a blizzard.
distinguished member(5723)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
11/23/2015 06:36PM  
quote boonie: "Thanks for another great trip report, TB. Aurora is becoming quite the young tripper and I'm sure by the time she's 12 will be ready to guide her boyfriend ;). "

One of the boys at her daycare has already proposed, so I guess you could say she's already way ahead of the curve. ;)

Thanks for the nice comments.

For those that might be's a link to the previous trip to this area that I mentioned in this report. Trip Report
11/23/2015 06:42PM  
Thank you SO MUCH for posting this trip report! My heart sang again and again reading about your adventures - as we too are a family of three heading to Crab Lake & Cummings next May - with an adventure seeking daughter!

For starters - you three sure aren't afraid of portage distance! You guys are beasts on the trail! This will surely be a post I will go back to again and again this winter as I look forward to our spring adventure!!

Thanks for your videos. We plan to layover on 312 since we are paddling across Burntside - i think we will rest it up at 312 for a day or two before heading up to Cummings. Then I'm really hoping to get the Island site 289. Did you guys check that one out? Otherwise I'd like 287 as well. I think I'd like to basecamp there for a few days explore neighboring lakes and then head back out.
11/27/2015 07:34AM  
Like usual-- AWESOME trip report!!!

an area I need to get to sometime.

Thanks for the report!!!
11/27/2015 08:30AM  
quote WhiteWolf: "Like usual-- AWESOME trip report!!!

an area I need to get to sometime.

Thanks for the report!!!"

+1 on all 3 things.

I thoroughly enjoy watching Aurora grow up through your trip reports. Keep up the good work :)
distinguished member (238)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/27/2015 09:28AM  
Thanks for the great report. It certainly brings back memories for me of my daughters and I many years ago.
distinguished member(5723)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
11/28/2015 07:22PM  
Thanks everyone.

We have been truly blessed to have such a wonderful child. Watching her enjoy the countless wonders of canoe country is a priceless reward from God that we cherish dearly.

Fishing thread
senior member (74)senior membersenior member
12/02/2015 03:17PM  
Thank you TB for another excellent report. I was glad to see you write on this area of the BWCA. I have just started researching and will hopefully plan a future trip in this section. It appeals to me because of the long portages and the chance at absolute solitude. As always, it is great to see Aurora enjoying God's creation. Happy Paddling!!!
distinguished member(695)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
12/06/2015 07:39AM  
Excellent report Tuscarora. Those twisted red pine pics are great!
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