BWCA Trip Report - 42 day solo with dog in far Northern Saskatchewan and Manitoba Boundary Waters Trip Reports
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      Trip Report - 42 day solo with dog in far Northern Saskatchewan and Manitoba     



Alan Gage
distinguished member(1084)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/30/2017 11:01AM  
New Trip Report posted by Alan Gage

Trip Name: 42 day solo with dog in far Northern Saskatchewan and Manitoba.

Entry Point: Other

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01/30/2017 06:39PM  

oh my goodness! i just spent the last 2 hours glued to my computer screen reading about your trip. such big water, non-visible portages, rain rain rain... rain, and then the break-in of your vehicle. i know you think to not take your dog again, but how do you think you'd have done mentally without having her to set your focus on once in awhile?
she seems like a real trooper and willing to do what you ask of her.

thoroughly enjoyed taking this trip and reading all the other comments in the link.

the photography also outstanding.
distinguished member(1635)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/31/2017 02:16PM  
Thanks for sharing...slowly digesting your report. Very interesting - love the details.
Alan Gage
distinguished member(1084)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/31/2017 03:42PM  
i know you think to not take your dog again, but how do you think you'd have done mentally without having her to set your focus on once in awhile?

That's a good question. I've never been on a trip without her and I'm unsure if I'd like it or not. Besides the obvious comaraderie and comic relief that a good dog brings you're probably right that having someone/thing else to worry about and consider helps in the tough times and possibly stops me from making a stupid decisions when I'd perhaps be willing to put myself in jeopardy but not her.

While she's still able to do trips I'm not sure if I want to leave her home for more far north travels or stick to more southerly trips, like around WCPP, until she's too old to go along.

she seems like a real trooper and willing to do what you ask of her.

She's really made me proud on all the trips we've taken. She seems to settle right into the routine and nothing shakes her. I kept expecting her to refuse to get back in the boat on some of those cold and rainy days when we had to get out to line a rapid but she always jumped right back in. Good girl.

I'm glad you enjoyed the report.

distinguished member (480)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/02/2017 09:40PM  
Great story, what an adventure, and thanks for sharing it. Really enjoyed the read and the pics! Sorry about your car...

distinguished member(1269)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/04/2017 09:21AM  

Wow! Epic! Thanks so much for your effort at writing the report, and the great pictures. Felt like I was along on a trip I will never be able to take.

I was advised once on a backcountry trip, just to leave the car unlocked. The local ranger said we WOULD be broken into, and there was nothing the local law enforcement was allowed to do about it.
02/06/2017 01:11PM  
I've read this before and I'm reading it again. Thanks for taking me along on a trip I'll probably never be able to do and a place I'll never get to see otherwise.
distinguished member(2117)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/18/2017 04:07PM  
This trip never ceases to amaze me. Good job Alan and Sadie.
Alan Gage
distinguished member(1084)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/20/2017 06:00PM  
Been out of town and off the internet for a couple weeks. Just got home last night. Happy to see the report is being enjoyed.

I was advised once on a backcountry trip, just to leave the car unlocked.

That was my first (ok, second) thought when I saw my car broken into. I normally don't ever lock my car (or remove the keys). Next time I think I'll just leave it unlocked with a polite note asking them not to steal my stuff.

One thing I did do, and that I'll continue to do, was disconnect the battery when I parked the car. I didn't want to come back to a dead battery due to parasitic drain or from an open door or dome lights left on by someone breaking in.

02/24/2017 10:21PM  
Wow Alan, some big water and some gutsy paddling solo thru those rapids. I know when I did 40 days, my entertainment was my dog. I was always amazed how she did... that same year we did 26 days in Woodland Caribou, the things she had to put up with and overcome was amazing to me. Although sadie wasn't happy about the current conditions, I'm sure she was happy to be with you. Coming through eastern Iowa Tuesday with some boats. Shhh! Don't tell anybody... haha. Email me if lunch is an option. Not sure your actual location. And dang you anyway, I stayed up pretty late as I couldn't stop reading this. Haha!
Alan Gage
distinguished member(1084)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/25/2017 08:22AM  
quote nctry: "Wow Alan, some big water and some gutsy paddling solo thru those rapids. I know when I did 40 days, my entertainment was my dog. I was always amazed how she did... that same year we did 26 days in Woodland Caribou, the things she had to put up with and overcome was amazing to me.

It's too bad you won't be driving through western Iowa instead because I'd enjoy getting together to talk about traveling with dogs. As you know traveling on a trip like this with a good dog can be pretty special at times. It's fun to watch them being presented with new situations and scenarios and then figure out how to deal with it. After a couple weeks on the water it really gets to feel like you're a team working together.

02/25/2017 10:06AM  
quote Alan Gage: "
quote nctry: "Wow Alan, some big water and some gutsy paddling solo thru those rapids. I know when I did 40 days, my entertainment was my dog. I was always amazed how she did... that same year we did 26 days in Woodland Caribou, the things she had to put up with and overcome was amazing to me.

After a couple weeks on the water it really gets to feel like you're a team working together.

I agree. Dogs can be inspiring too. If I was tired at the end of the day, Luna was not and she was always excited to portage. I got a kick out of watching her ahead of me on the trails. Seemed to make it less hard.

distinguished member(914)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/17/2019 08:10PM  
I just returned from the BWCA and likely won't be back for a month or so. To ease the ache of those "just got home" blues, I started to read others' trip reports and came across this buried treasure. Alan - thank you. The writing is so subtle and genuine, it's like the reader is taken along with you. All the details, the pictures - and your dog - thank you for this journey. I smiled knowingly when you talked about grabbing the heavyweight fleece you were originally going to leave in the car. I forgot my wool beanie this past week, and was fortunate to find a fleece cap for sale en route; it was chilly and rainy there last week! OK, I'm going to spend the remainder of the night finishing this epic tale. Thank you!
distinguished member (212)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/06/2019 01:32PM  
Great report. Thanks for taking the time to put it together. I paddled (not solo) once from La Ronge to Wollaston, and on another trip paddled the Waterfound/Fond Du Lac. Great country.
01/03/2020 01:43AM  
What a great trip!

What do you do for dog food on a long trip like that? Planning to take my dog on a 10-14 day trip next summer, and discouraged by how much space her food takes up....
01/04/2020 06:23PM  
How did I miss this back when it was posted in 2017! What an incredible adventure, beautiful country, wonderful dog and very well photographed!
member (22)member
01/15/2020 01:23PM  
dogwoodgirl: "What a great trip!

What do you do for dog food on a long trip like that? Planning to take my dog on a 10-14 day trip next summer, and discouraged by how much space her food takes up...."

They have freeze dried dog food now for our favorite furry traveling companions. Save's on the space and weight.

01/16/2020 05:02AM  
This message has had HTML content edited out of it.
CrazyLoon: "CrazyLoon "

I looked at that brand, but it's freeze dried raw, and I'm not risking salmonella or e coli on a long trip!
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