BWCA Trip Report - Capsize - rapids - lost canoe - self-extraction Boundary Waters Trip Reports
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      Trip Report - Capsize - rapids - lost canoe - self-extraction     



member (8)member
05/21/2022 02:31PM  
New Trip Report posted by DaveKasprak

Trip Name: Capsize - rapids - lost canoe - self-extraction.

Entry Point: 50

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distinguished member(3458)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/21/2022 02:42PM  
Wow - a harrowing story! Glad you made it out OK.
distinguished member (278)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/22/2022 08:41AM  
Thank you for posting this.
05/22/2022 09:56AM  
Wow. You survived, that’s what matters. I just returned from the baker entry. I was concerned for all the other paddlers up there. Conditions are very dangerous and will remain so for at least another week. We took the first open campsite and base camped and scrapped our planned route. I can’t over empathize how dangerous it is currently.
member (13)member
05/22/2022 01:59PM  
Wow, what a story and experience! Thanks for sharing.
Glad you are okay!
distinguished member (121)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/31/2022 02:39PM  
sounds like you are lucky to still be here and able to write this story.
distinguished member(589)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/03/2022 10:30AM  
Just wow... You did fantastic job of keeping your head!
Guest Paddler
08/22/2022 11:07AM  
Fascinating story and a timely reminder that the BWCA can get nasty without warning. It leaves you wondering what would have happened to a less-experienced, less level-headed, and less resolute camper.
distinguished member (352)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/22/2022 04:02PM  
Amazing story. Glad you made it out. Will make all future trips look easy.
09/03/2022 02:52PM  
Have you heard of anyone found your canoe or other gear?
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