BWCA Caribou (near Clearwater) campsite availability? Boundary Waters Trip Planning Forum
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      Caribou (near Clearwater) campsite availability?     
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member (8)member
05/26/2022 02:37PM  
My group will be entering Clearwater EP 62 the first week of June. We made a similar trip last year and barely found a campsite on Caribou.
With the reduced permits this year, does anyone know how this has impacted campsite availability, specifically on Caribou? Hoping we’ll have our pick of the litter!
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05/26/2022 02:56PM  
If I were you, I'd have my canoe packed before sunrise...and first paddle in water shortly thereafter. We've been thru that area multiple times. If you try in the afternoon, you'll likely have difficulty. Don't count on the site in Little Caribou either....only 1 time did I ever see it empty, but we already had our site on Caribou. Good luck!
distinguished member(4164)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
05/26/2022 05:48PM  
Is that all the farther you plan to go? Campsite-wise
member (8)member
05/26/2022 08:01PM  
cyclones30: "Is that all the farther you plan to go? Campsite-wise "

Yes, we will be looking for a site in Caribou for a three night stay.
06/02/2022 04:33PM  
No help on Caribou activity, but we exited through Clearwater last Saturday from Mountain portage. I believe there are 5 campsites on Clearwater from that portage to the lodge and it appeared all 5 were available - which I found hard to believe considering it was Memorial Day weekend and all EP 62 permits were gone. Perhaps weather, it was raining off and on Saturday or better fishing alternatives than Clearwater, played a role, or could be folks were hunkered down at their site and we just didn’t see them, but they all looked open from our vantage point.
Guest Paddler
06/07/2022 12:34PM  
I'll be entering next weekend Friday AM - Sunday. Would love to know how your experience was finding campsites. I'm not holding out for the little Caribou site, but was hoping one of the others would be open or else I'd look on the North East side of Clearwater.
06/08/2022 11:36AM  
Curious to see how your trip went and what site availability was. My guess it was packed; hope you found a spot! I love that lake; great fishing, easy access and the day trips offer so many wonderful examples.
distinguished member (387)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
06/09/2022 10:40AM  
Paddlin-Madeline: "I'll be entering next weekend Friday AM - Sunday. Would love to know how your experience was finding campsites. I'm not holding out for the little Caribou site, but was hoping one of the others would be open or else I'd look on the North East side of Clearwater. "

I will actually be entering next Thursday morning and unfortunately heading that same way lol.... but hey if things are full I will be solo with my solo magic, yellow tarp, and small dog. I wouldn't mind sharing a site if needed.
member (8)member
06/10/2022 08:52PM  
Frenchy19: "Curious to see how your trip went and what site availability was. My guess it was packed; hope you found a spot! I love that lake; great fishing, easy access and the day trips offer so many wonderful examples."

I just got back from another amazing trip to Caribou! We ended up taking the long paddle across Clearwater to the east portage to Caribou. Shockingly, both the 5th and 6th campsites were open! We ended up staying on the 5th site which has an island about 25 yards from the shore.
A ranger stopped by the next morning and said that one of the other four sites was open the night before, so that made a total of two open ones on Tuesday night.
Site six was quickly gobbled up on Wednesday morning. Not sure about the other sites, but on today’s (Friday) paddle back, we saw 4, 2, and 1 occupied. Site 3 is kind of tucked away and we couldn’t see it.
We talked with some large groups portaging in and saying they planned to stay on Caribou, so I, sure the sites will be full this weekend.
Conclusion - it’s a total crapshoot, but the earlier in the week you arrive, the better.
06/11/2022 09:37AM  
We stayed there several years ago and really enjoyed that campsite - comfortable and a great view. Excellent exposure for sunrises. We also did quite well fishing from shore there. Did you get to Johnson Falls?

View from the campsite

06/14/2022 09:47AM  
Like I said, one of my favorite lakes in the BW; lot's of great memories there! Glad you found a spot.

On the shoreline straight across from the island site is some great walleye fishing. Troll the shoreline in and out of the cabbage with a #11 original black and silver Rapala and you will find walleye. Pic is from a couple years ago.
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