BWCA Experimental Flat Fees for Quetico-maybe>? I don't like it Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
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       Experimental Flat Fees for Quetico-maybe>? I don't like it     



06/17/2022 10:27AM  
The only reason I don't like it punishes the solo person and encourages a larger party size.
An increase in fees I could understand but not this way for the backcountry. encourages larger groups
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distinguished member(7944)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
06/17/2022 12:25PM  
This is old news, Pinetree. I've spoken with Trevor Gibb, park superintendent at Quetico and he has said the likelihood of this fee structure being introduced to Q, WCPP and Wabakimi is slim to none.

We're talking about government here so anything could happen, but I doubt paddlers, solo or otherwise, to Q, WCPP or WPP, should expect this type of fee restructuring anytime soon.

I found it interesting in the article that they said the average group size was four people. However, in the next line, they said 11% were solo and 38% were pairs. That's 49%. Yes, the "majority" are groups of four or more, but only by 2% over the combined solo paddlers and groups of two who are affected the most by the hefty camping fees.

Now, if the BWCA could just raise their prices to a decent level, but that's been discussed, too.
06/17/2022 01:58PM  
Jackfish: "Now, if the BWCA could just raise their prices to a decent level, but that's been discussed, too."

Yes BWCA is way too cheap.
distinguished member(1758)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
06/19/2022 08:16PM  
Jackfish: "This is old news, Pinetree. I've spoken with Trevor Gibb, park superintendent at Quetico and he has said the likelihood of this fee structure being introduced to Q, WCPP and Wabakimi is slim to none."

Good to hear!
06/20/2022 03:54PM  
The old system seemed the fairest. Maybe with a lower fee for youth groups to encourage younger participants to gain experience and want to keep coming back.
06/20/2022 06:38PM  
Freeleo1: "The old system seemed the fairest. Maybe with a lower fee for youth groups to encourage younger participants to gain experience and want to keep coming back. "

I don't have a problem in principle with the experimental fee structure if I'm being objective. But I assumed there would be a significant discount for under 18s as there is under the traditional fee schedule. Is that not the case?
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