Boundary Waters, Trip Reports, BWCA, Stories

Return to Iron Lake
by naturboy12

Trip Type: Paddling Canoe
Entry Date: 06/09/2019
Entry & Exit Point: Moose/Portage River (north) (EP 16)
Number of Days: 7
Group Size: 2
Part 6 of 8
Thursday, June 13, 2019- Peterson Bay, more Curtain fishing

Thursday was already here and we were just hitting our Iron Lake stride. I woke up at about 4:15 just to look outside and use the bathroom, and there was no frost. Yay? It was still damn cold, and if I had to guess, it was about 33-34 degrees at that time of the morning. After falling back asleep, I "slept in", not waking until about 6:30 and temps were already much better by then. After coffee and breakfast, we loaded up the fishing supplies and lunch, and started making our way west across the lake to the opposite side to fish a reef we had both had much success on in the past. It was fairly windy, but we kept our lines in as we traveled and caught a couple small pike while trolling. Once we located the reef, which was harder to find than we expected due to the water being higher than when we normally visit, we made several passes with the wind trolling and casting the reef. We hooked a couple fish there, but nothing spectacular, and not enough action for the amount of effort we were putting in to fight the wind. We landed on shore on a rocky point to the southwest of the reef, stretched our legs for a while, and then decided to head towards Peterson Bay. On the way there, I hooked into 2 pike in the 22-24" range, but both fish were foul hooked and felt much larger than they turned out to be.

When we eventually reached Peterson Bay I was already tiring from the paddling we had put in for the day, which is not normal for me. We fished sporadically through the bay, hoping to find panfish, crappies, or some smallmouth, but we really didn't catch much. We went all the way back to the rapids that go into the Beartrap River, which had much less current and depth than we had hoped. We didn't catch anything there either, and started the trek back to the main part of the lake. We hit a couple other spots while trolling our way back to camp and didn't get much to show for it. When we got back to camp, I laid down and took a long rest. It felt hot (funny thing to say when its only 70 degrees), but after the cold morning, it was a very nice change. I was glad for the breeze and the sleep it let me have.

In the evening after dinner, we decided to give Curtain Falls one last shot. We hoped to spend most of our time fishing the deeper pools below the outflow, but when we got there two other boats were already fishing. We went up towards the portage and fished there and did well again, each catching a couple walleye before we called it a night. We packed up camp as we knew we were leaving the next morning for Agnes and tried to get to sleep a little earlier so we would be well rested for the travel day. Rain was in the forecast for overnight and a portion of Friday as well, so we wanted to be prepared for that.