Boundary Waters, Trip Reports, BWCA, Stories

Stuart - Iron - Crooked - Moosecamp - Fourtown
by 30Smoke

Trip Type: Paddling Canoe
Entry Date: 06/07/2022
Entry Point: Stuart River (EP 19)
Exit Point: Mudro Lake (EP 23)  
Number of Days: 9
Group Size: 2
Part 7 of 9
June 13 - After eating, we got on the water by 9:00, starting the journey with some fishing, but within the first mile, the rain began. As we turned South at the top of Friday Bay, we were getting soaked and pulled over on shore for a break. Soon the rain died down and as we got into the canoes and continued on; the winds began. Deciding another break was needed, we pulled into campsite 1868 for a break to stretch our legs and have a snack for energy. It had been a couple hours since we got on the water, and we had a long way to go. The wind was letting up, so we got to the portage to the Papoose Creek, took a right on Chippewa Lake followed the creek to Niki Lake and then met the first portage that was almost as bad as the goat cliff portage from Haven to Abinodji. After wearing out on the Niki portage, a short paddle across Wagosh gave me some energy, and on the mile portage to Gun, I carried my first pack about half way, and then found the strength to carry my small pack and the canoe all the way across the portage. Peter went to check for an open site on Gun. I got my final pack and got on the water as Peter was returning with the bad news that all the sites were taken.

Big decision time. I had proposed we do the Moosecamp creek on the way out as we planned the trip. We considered our options and Peter suggested we do Moosecamp and then the creek the next day. I was all in for this plan. I was pretty low on energy, but I followed the trail to the Moosecamp portage, and thought I had good footing, but slipped down to my waste in the water, nothing else got wet. Lucky! Peter had just come to check on my progress as I rolled onto the bank, and he took one pack, and by the time I caught up with him, he had just landed a nice Largemouth. Soon we had our campsite 1089 set up and a warm meal done. I was ready to sleep, as we paddled 7.7 miles and portaged 5 on the day over 10 hours. It was a good day, and I was excited to explore the Moosecamp Creek the next day.