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       Anyone sleep in their car?
Date/Time: 09/27/2024 01:51PM
Anyone sleep in their car?

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montanapaddler 05/07/2023 02:17PM
We always dispersed camp on others USFS land on the way.
Savage Voyageur 05/06/2023 08:41AM
We’ve never found this a viable option for our groups. Maybe if I were alone I would try it. Then there is bugs, hot humid weather, poor sleep. If I want to be on the water at first light I will stay in a hotel, bunkhouse or leave at 1AM and drive at night. It just depends on what our groups wants.
keth0601 05/06/2023 07:47AM
Yep, done it in the past and will probably do it more in the future.

I prefer to use a bunkhouse if I can find an outfitter near the entry who has one though. Better sleep (when it's not overrun with mice...), still cheap, and less bungling around with gear/re-organizing the vehicle in the morning and often times there's an opportunity for a hot breakfast.
mgraber 05/04/2023 03:34PM
Technically against the rules but many of us have done it, best to keep a low profile.
Captn Tony 05/02/2023 09:05PM
I've slept in my vehicle too many times to count.
Bullzeyez61 04/22/2023 01:24PM
Several years ago a friend and I were entering in from snowbank and we said we can try to sleep a few hours or we can just start the trip and sleep in the truck then enter in so that’s what we did. Arrived to the landing of snowbank 1-2am or so and I remember looking at my phone and it was at 99% charged and I said aloud “I am going to top this b*+^h off at 100” and plugged it into the car charger. My phone screen went from on to black to all red to all blue to black back to on and then black all in about a second timeframe. Haha then I said “oh I don’t think that was good” and my iPhone was fried would not turn on or restart. Several minutes later my friend Corey said he was going to plug in his phone and charge it and I told him I wouldn’t do that I just broke my phone on that charger. That didn’t stop him he plugs his phone in and down where the connector goes into the phone we hears a little ‘zap’ noise and a small puff of smoke emerged from the connector and his phone went black. Same thing he friend his too haha. Trip was fun, cold with terrible fishing but still a good time. But here and there we would be feeing good having fun and then reality sets in that as soon as we get back we got no phones and have to buy new ones haha. I was using energizer brand charging cord through by buying name brand it would be the best one guess not. I think about that every time I charge my phone in a vehicle, took me over a year to plug it into one again after that incident.
shouldertripper 04/17/2023 08:50AM
Thanks for the replies everyone, I appreciate the feedback and experiences shared. I'm sure I'll end up sleeping at an EP sometime for a future trip, but my solo trip just gained a partner who insists on a bunk house!
shock 04/13/2023 12:33AM
me & my groups have done it many times , but i'll add this , park on level ground ;)
Zulu 04/11/2023 11:43AM
I sleep in vehicles at trailheads and other places a lot mostly out west. I’ve even attended a seminar on how to Stealth Camp in places like San Diego and Big Sur.
The problem in northern Minnesota for me was when windows were open mosquitoes and rain found me. When windows were closed condensation and stuffiness was bad. Early May was perfect conditions.
I’ve witnessed Hybrid Vehicles idle all night with air conditioners on.

If you get a knock on your door from a LEO you’re supposed to say “I was just too tired to drive anymore so I stopped here for safety reasons”.
MikeinMpls 04/11/2023 09:31AM
I've slept in my car or truck on a few occasions. I slept in the Temperance River parking lot the night before a solo put-in at Kawishiwi Lake (I needed to pick up my permit at the Tofte Ranger station first thing in the morning.) I arrived late into the parking area, like 1:00 AM, and simply backed in and snoozed until sunrise.

I've also slept in my truck twice in Ely, but both a long time ago: once near the gravel pit by the Dorothy Molter museum, and the other in what was then a parking lot across from the old Zups.

Never got hassled any time I've done this, nothwithstanding Howard Sprague and Jackfish's mischevious notions to hold a 6:00 AM cymbal recital for me. I assume sleeping at an EP would be quieter and more convenient, but I had business to finish in Ely before I could go to the EP.

MikeinMpls 04/10/2023 01:50PM
HowardSprague: "Hey Jackfish & MikeinMpls -- does this thread remind you of anything? LOL
Prob 15ish years ago :)"

I was just thinking of that, Howie!! I can't remember if it was you or JF that were planning a cymbal awakening for me in Ely. I still think about that whenever I sleepi in my truck, which isn't as frequently as I get older.

That was so funny.

HowardSprague 04/07/2023 01:57PM
Hey Jackfish & MikeinMpls -- does this thread remind you of anything? LOL
Prob 15ish years ago :)
Esoxmike 04/06/2023 01:36PM
I've done it with no problems so far, usually solo. I like to get there during daylight hours, double check gear, drink a sixer that I pick up in Ely, grill some burgers on my small propane Weber, have a toke and enjoy the evening. All done stealthily and respectfully.

Last year, at EP23, I got to watch a pack of otter pups swimming around for a good spell. Those little buggers are so damn cute! I blow up an air mattress in the bed of my pickup that has a cap on and sleep so well. I usually do the same on the road the night before since I drive from Pennsylvania.
ForestDuff 04/04/2023 05:36PM
If there's a canoe on the roof of a vehicle overnight at an entry point, chances are someone is sleeping in the vehicle. I've done it many times. I bring a separate sleeping pad and bag, along with my pillow from home for sleeping in the topper of my truck. I've only done it during non-bug season. I would think the skeets could find their way in my truck otherwise. Listening to mice jump from my tires to the truck was strange until I figured out what the sound was.

Also, those vehicles doing a slow roll through the parking lot at 2:30 am is always a little concerning. And at the Lake One access, it happens quite frequently, even in October.

Two years ago, someone did that, and then squealed out of there like I disrupted their plans. Sure enough, when I came out a few days later, a half dozen vehicles had notices on them from the sheriff because of gas siphoning attempts. Truck apparently has a check valve so my gas gauge was where I left it. They actually caught the guy somehow because I received notice of it in the mail asking if I wanted restitution.

So last fall, I opted for the Paddle Inn instead so I could get a better night's sleep. I'm guessing I'll still do it in the future depending on the location and plans.
shouldertripper 04/04/2023 03:22PM
Thanks for the replies everyone, I figured it was something that’s been done before. One of my bigger concerns was how safe it would be with the canoe on the roof, but I guess that would be the case at a campground, too.

I’m sure if you time it right and are somewhat stealthy it’s likely no one would really even know you’re there.
Speckled 04/04/2023 09:28AM
Yes - I haven't done it for quite a few years. Mostly it's been when meeting a trip partner at the EP or in one case a kick off point on the Superior Hiking Trail.
brotherbear 04/04/2023 08:58AM
I have been looking at satellite maps using the Polaris Ride Commander app. I like this option because you can toggle the "land ownership" overlay. I look for clearings or pull-offs and then can also see the owner of that land. Specifically looking at the Gunflint Trail, there are a few spots that look promising that either say "United States of America", "State of Minnesota", or "Cook Co-State MN". There are also sections that specifically say "USFS (Superior NATL Forest)". I then took the Polaris Ride app and compared it to a USFS Map of the area and it looks like the section labeled "Cook Co-State MN" or "State of Minnesota" are marked on the USFS map as "Non-National Forest System Lands within the National Forest".

After digging more I went to the USFS Superior National Forest website->Maps & Publications->Motor Vehicle Use Maps. Seems like these maps would be your best bet for dispersed camping locations that are within the National Forest. I don't see any harm in sleeping at an entry point before entering or after exiting, but it does seem like some of the entry points parking locations are labeled as "Non-National Forest System Lands within the National Forest"
Kendis 04/04/2023 06:58AM
Haven't tried sleeping in my car.

Specific to Snowbank, you could camp at Fall Lake Campground the night before. The drive from the campground to Snowbank is 30 minutes.
deerfoot 04/03/2023 08:38PM
When I have done it it’s always in the stealth mode just as TB suggests.
TreeBear 04/03/2023 08:38PM
Loads of times for me too and no real trouble yet. The only kinda sketchy occurrence was waking up to shotguns as a couple folks decided to go shoot over the boat landing at Lake One at 3 in the morning. By the sound of it, shooting had been proceeded by drinking. Made for a bit of a startle to wake up to! Otherwise, it's been pretty quiet and makes for a quick start in the morning.
straighthairedcurly 04/03/2023 08:15PM
I've done it numerous times.
YetiJedi 04/03/2023 08:04PM
Yep, I sleep in the back of my truck at entry points. Works great. Evidently you are not supposed to set up camp in the parking lots but dispersed camping is allowed. I'll be interested to hear any clarifications or official rules.
TuscaroraBorealis 04/03/2023 08:00PM
Can't speak to the legality of it...but, I have done it. Including on this trip in through Snowbank a few years ago.

My thought process was/is as long as thats all I was doing was sleeping in my vehicle for ONE night ( not setting up chairs, cooking, fishing from shore etc.) that it wouldn't be intrusive if arriving late and leaving early.
shouldertripper 04/03/2023 07:00PM
At the EP parking lot? I’ve “camped” in my car with success before, so not really asking if it can be done, but more so should it be done? Is it legal/allowed?

Going into snowbank later this year and would like to make an early start, and that would certainly be convenient.