BWCA A story worth telling - Thanks to Muddyfeet Boundary Waters Listening Point - General Discussion
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      A story worth telling - Thanks to Muddyfeet     
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distinguished member(1224)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
06/28/2024 08:34AM  
In 2022 I invited Muddyfeet over to my house. I had an idea for a ministry and I hoped he would help.

I wanted to start an outdoor part of our church ministry. I had just read "Last Child in the Woods" by Richard Louv, and I was taken by the notion that people (not just children) need to recapture their sense of wonder at creation. Besides that, post-Covid life needed new opportunities for people to build community and get to know each other. Surely the church could do that!

I asked Muddyfeet if he would help me mastermind a process of building canoes for a ministry. Kevlar canoes. As we sat in my driveway he said "Pastor Jeff, when you share a campfire with someone, you're friends with them no matter how you might disagree about other things." That sold me.

We made it one of our goals to start this ministry. A church member offered shop space, and Muddyfeet got to starting with the parts he knew about--he had built a solo boat already. A group of interested people chipped in with helping hands--most of us knew nothing about canoe building but Muddyfeet was our mad scientist guide.

We found two generous donors for the supplies and the church bought a trailer. A local Boy Scout leader offered us use of extra gear and in June we took a day trip with ten people to a local lake and last week we took our first BWCA trip with youth.

Here are some pictures of this experience. I am so very happy that we are able now to share outdoor experiences with any in our church who may wish to be outside and make new friends.

Bless you Muddyfeet.

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distinguished member(1224)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
06/28/2024 08:50AM  

One more picture from the day we departed.
06/28/2024 10:13AM  
everyone looks so happy!

what a great idea and partnership between board members.
distinguished member(1058)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
06/28/2024 10:27AM  
Good for you, Pastorjsackett!! Thank you for sharing this.

I too had a chance to lead a church-sponsored BWCA program for about 10-15 years. It was so fulfilling and I personally witnessed where it truly contributed to changing lives, including my own!
06/29/2024 03:34PM  
Well done to both of you.
distinguished member(1224)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
06/29/2024 08:28PM  
I'm a happy pastor these days.
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Cliff Wold's Outfitting Co.