BWCA Trip Report - Kawishiwi to Malberg in May Boundary Waters Trip Reports
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      Trip Report - Kawishiwi to Malberg in May     



member (14)member
05/22/2024 09:00AM  
New Trip Report posted by KjerJoy

Trip Name: Kawishiwi to Malberg in May.

Entry Point: 37

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05/22/2024 10:44AM  
Nice report. Great photos too. Looks like fun for all!
05/22/2024 02:00PM  
Awesome, great to trip with your kids like that, it's the best thing for them.
Nicely played!
member (23)member
05/23/2024 10:05AM  
Your username looks familiar and I feel like I had written to you regarding this trip a few months ago. We went from Kawishiwi to Alice back in 2017. Looks like a fun trip for you guys! Also, it looks like you stayed on that sandy/beach site on Malberg. Is that right? If so, that was a pretty neat site and I did enjoy it there.
05/24/2024 09:26AM  
I may have picked up the missing water bottle at the last beaver dam into Kawasachong, the dam that the canoes needed to be carried over. My group followed the same route later on May 15th, setting up camp on Lake Polly.
member (14)member
05/24/2024 04:34PM  
lepow58: "I may have picked up the missing water bottle at the last beaver dam into Kawasachong, the dam that the canoes needed to be carried over. My group followed the same route later on May 15th, setting up camp on Lake Polly."

We thought there was a chance we lost it at that beaver dam. I had clipped it on before we left. Yellow REI Nalgene? It was brand new, my husband never even took a drink out of it. Thanks for grabbing it! I’m glad it’s not in the water somewhere.
06/04/2024 09:29AM  
That's the bottle I found! I'll pay my good fortune forward by making a donation to this website.
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