BWCA Trip Report - Four Trying to Fish Boundary Waters Trip Reports
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      Trip Report - Four Trying to Fish     



07/02/2024 06:04PM  
New Trip Report posted by tigag

Trip Name: Four Trying to Fish.

Entry Point: 12A

Click Here to View Trip Report
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07/02/2024 11:48PM  
Glad that tree missed everyone.

Regarding your last sentence in your report. I firmly believe that every trip is the perfect trip.

Thanks for posting.
07/03/2024 01:17PM  
Sounds like a good time. Glad the branch missed everyone!

Sounds like you still managed a decent time
distinguished member (220)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/04/2024 11:49PM  
Those bad weather trips are the ones that are most memorable! I'm interested in the logistics of this trip since I might want to do a BWCA/Quetico combined trip in the future. Did you have to use an RABC to cross into Canada? Were the Quetico permit fees and Canadian fishing license worth it for just one day of fishing?
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