BWCA Suggestions Daddy/Daughter trip Boundary Waters Trip Planning Forum
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member (27)member
01/24/2024 09:02PM  
Hi All! I'm taking by 18 year old daughter on a boundary waters trip mid-June. Our family of 5 all went last year into Basswood lake and up to Basswood Falls. It was great but my daughter only wants to go with me again if there is A LOT LESS PADDLING. I'm looking for suggestions on where we might go 1) without a tow (cheap trip) 2) good smallie fishing 3) still feels remote w/o a lot of boat traffic 4) can get to a good base camp sight without paddling half a day or more. Any suggestions appreciated.
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distinguished member(5742)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
01/24/2024 10:15PM  
My daughter was a bit younger than yours when we entered on Brule lake for this easy trip. Brule bay baby
01/25/2024 04:56AM  
Entry point Lake One. Camp on Lake One for the least amount of paddling. No motors on it or any of the number lakes.

Or, enter Lake One and portage to Lake 2. Lakes 2, 3, and 4 are all connected. Find an appropriate campsite on one of them. Lots of places to explore and fish.

Or, enter Lake One but turn downstream and work your way to the Kawisiwi Triangle. Much smaller water here so if it turns windy you still have a place to hide and fish. This route has more portages but no difficult ones.
01/25/2024 05:17AM  
Homer Lake entry, two easy portages to Vern Lake. Pick one of two campsites or if they are taken go over to Pipe or Juno for more choices. Quiet area, good fishing explore the Vern River on a daytrip for scenery and good fishing spots. One of my favs for quick short trip.

Trip report:

Homer to Vern
Guest Paddler
01/29/2024 11:41AM  
I second the Brule recommendation. There is zero portages if you stay in Brule, and there is a waterfall to go see between brule and alton (I think) on the eastern side of Brule bay at the very end of the lake. I just took my 10 year old to Brule last year and had a blast. Be careful on the bigger water there in wind though, I have also rescued people on Brule who lost all their gear after flipping and nearly drowning. Stay to the shore if its windy or stick to the eastern side of the lake where it's less wild on a windy day.

It's a huge lake with something like 21 sites on it, but if you find a spot in a bay the traffic isn't too bad.
01/30/2024 09:43PM  
Lindylair is correct on Homer. That was my fall trip last year and is a great short trip option.

Another is wood lake. Greta for a couple base camp nights with some exploring the small lakes to the north for a day or two.
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